Chapter 2-Betrayal

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Damian's eyes were feral, his voice hoarse from screaming when he hissed "stay away!"

"What did I do?"I asked carefully.

"You killed him!"he exclaimed eyes widening with disbelief.

I looked away "you still believe them?" I asked him.

"If you didn't, who did?"

"I was framed. I didn't kill anyone from The Base. You of all people should know that. We may be assassins, but we both know we wouldn't kill our own kin."

"Sure, of course. I guess that's what Darrel had said before you had savaged him!" Damian burst out.

"I've had enough of this." I muttered as I knocked him out with the unforgivingly-hard hilt of my dagger. I examined the wound on his arm, soon discovering than rather than only one deep gash, there were several infected slashes. The cuts were cruelly emblazoned on his right forearm conjoined to create the word 'Traitor'.

*****Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated recently, I had to study for a maths test and I'm only 12 :/ I'v had MAJOR writers block as well but I will try to update this week. Please tell me what you think in the comment section below and I will also try to correct ALL of my typos and stuff...Thanks for reading and I will try to update soon (this is my first story) :)*****

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