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Tagged by Sir_Sakuura

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Tagged by Sir_Sakuura

Here's a note best friend. I want you to stop tagging me.

Thanks :0)

Jk jk continue:*

1. I'm bisexual

2. my favorite song is Magic shop.

3. My bias is Suga, but my bias wrecker is Jungkook. Help.

4. I actually love singing

5. I was diagnosed with WFS. Which stands for wide face syndrome 😂😂 (not true)

6. Me and Sir_Sakuura  or chi chi are best friends/ unbiological twins ayeeeeeee

7. I never had a boyfriend. I have virgin lips

8. I lovooocovovervevevveeeeeeeeeeee cookies

9. I left America when I was 7 years old and moved to CanadaaAaAAAaa.

10. I have only one pink shirt in my wardrobe.

I don't know any umm... here's sum kinky jokes that I laugh a lot on with my friends.

"What do you call a skeleton having an erection?"

"A boner."


Tags. Idk a lot of people so I can't tag 28 people :(


Hehehe..... don't kill me

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