Ch.2 The call

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Evans P.O.V

I sat down at my desk and turned on the computer. I decided to read through Delirious' file while I waited for Discord to load.

Delirious is definitely different from what I expected, well at least what's in his file.

According to the file he's violent, but also likes teddy bears. Which honestly I wasn't expecting.

Discord was finished loading by the time I got finished reading the file. I messaged Craig asking to video chat. Simply because it's been a while since I've seen him or actually talked to him.

He got a reply right away.

Craig: Sure we can video chat, but not for long there's a big meeting for work in a bit.

So I started the call.

Craig was sitting at his desk with a worried smile on his face.

"Hey Evan what's up". He asked.

"I just got a new patient and I'm feeling kind of stressed about messing up because he's a high level patient." I replied. I was clearly nervous.

"Chill dude I'm sure you got this. So what's this high level patent called?" He replied trying his best to be calm for the both of us.

"His name is Delirious, and apparently he's co-leader of a gang called the Banana Bus Crew." I say as I look back at the file to make sure I was right.

Craig went into a coughing fit, consequently knocking over his cup of water onto the floor. He quickly left to clean it up. After cleaning up the water he sat back down.

"WHAT !!!!" He yelled

"Do you understand how dangerous he is, He could kill you, His gang could kill you." he screamed. He then took a breath and just stared at me before calmly continuing .

"I'm sorry but You don't understand, His gang is in my town, and everyone I know has seen what he and his gang can and will do. *sigh* It's just kind of crazy, you know." He said. I felt kind of guilty for making him stress out. "yeah it's kind of crazy," I say, not knowing how to reply. "Yeah it is Crazy. They transferred him all the way from the facility in my town to your facility." he said with a laugh. "CRAIG THE MEETING STARTING GET YOUR ASS UP HERE!" yelled a voice from off screen.

"I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND TYLER" he yelled to the voice off screen. "Hey is that the Tyler that you have a crush on," I asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Yes it is ,but I have to go. The meeting is starting," he replied, half paying attention. "Okay bye ," I replied to him. "Bye," he said as he ended the call . I hope he's right and I can handle this, I sign as I turn off the computer and reread the file until it's time for me to go to bed.

-I'm so sorry this toke so long to finish, I got caught up in high school work, and I tried to finish this sooner but wasn't pleased with the first shot at this chapter. again I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.-

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