Darkness closing in around the building, someone or something was snuffing out the light. The remaining 3 out of the original 5 were scrambling, searching for somewhere to hide. They needed to survive the last night but it seemed all hope was lost...

3 weeks earlier
Leroy, Jerry, Anna, Rebeca and Thomas were 5 ordinary kids. Just finished college and discovering what they want to do with their life, none of them knew what was next for them but unfortunately I do.

Upsetting really, what their fates turned out to be. If only they didn't go to that museum and discovered its secrets. They would've been safe at least. And alive.
It started out by Anna suggesting they go to this exhibit in the museum of paranormal activity. The others were reluctant (obviously) but eventually succumbed to Anna's determination.

It was the 28th September 2025 and the world had changed, a lot. Nearly everything was self sufficient, no one worked anymore as "automated cybernetic telemechanic systems" or A.C.T.S for short were running the show now. Unless you had an access key, you couldn't get anywhere without your every move being watched over.

Well on this particular day the whole system went down. No A.C.T.S to repair the problem and no humans knew what to do. Well it just so happens that our bright group of five were the only humans in the museum that day and they knew they were in trouble.

The system had an algorithm so convoluted and twisted that not even the founders could fix it. It had evolved itself and was theoretically supposed to run forever. The system kept the otherworldly beings in a constant paralysis which allowed people to view them. Most called this torture and others said it was necessary. I agree with the necessity opinion. Anyway back to it, the exhibits had now escaped. Only a few were harmless; the parasitic demons now roamed the museum. Luckily there is an emergency shut down which seals off the inside of the museum from the outside world. This also proved a problem for the people trapped inside...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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