That was not the case.

"Oh sweetie." She put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. She combed my hair back with her fingers so they didn't get wet with tears and then kissed my forehead. I never payed attention when she showed me affection like that - usually it was when I was near passing out. Her lips were gentle and I felt like I could actually call her my mother. "I know how you feel, Lauren. I know what it feels like to lose someone so close to you."

"When? Who?"

She pursed her lips. "My parents, when I was sixteen. Tyson's mother, my own best friend, when both you kids were just twelve. And at the same time..." Her voice faltered. She didn't try to continue.


"No one, sweetie. Its just..." She sighed. "My parents' death were understandable. It was in the middle of a bad time in our kingdom's history. They were just innocent victims. Lilly's death hit me more... she left so much behind. Four kids, and no one really knew the cause of her death. Either way, it happened. You can't do anything about it now, sweetie."

"She wouldn't have died if I didn't shoot. Her death is on me. It wasn't like that for you."

Mom kissed me on the forehead again, just as soft and comforting as the last. "Shower, Lauren. It'll make you feel somewhat better. We have plans for tomorrow."

"Which is...?"

She gives me a look, almost looking sorry for me. "You're going back to the palace."

- - -

Get Sofia, return back. Get Sofia, return back.Get Sofia, return back.Get Sofia, return back.

I repeated that over and over again. There was no need to run into any of the guards and get myself thrown into the dungeon. There was no need to scare anyone who knew I'm with the Institute. There was no need to see anyone I knew already, besides Sofia, if she was awake. No need to get myself killed.

I stood at the edge of the forest, running here from the Institute. Yes, teleportation was helpful and quick but I like to stretch my legs occasionally. And besides, super speed is more of my strength than teleporting. Any of us Evolutians can do that as a safety precaution, also known as when we're in between a rock and a hard place.

It's only going to take a minute. Max. Don't make it take more than a minute, Lauren. Teleport into her room and back.

One problem: I didn't know which room was hers.

I did, however, know Taylor and Tyson's rooms. But did I really want to risk it?

And who's room?

Taylor would probably scream if I pop into her room in the middle of the night. Someone would probably come in seconds after to see what's going on. Tyson also seemed to be the deeper sleeper, so maybe I won't wake him if he was already asleep.

I closed my eyes, only reopening when I was standing on Tyson's balcony, looking out onto the lake.

The sound that introduced me was a scream.

I turned around quickly to see who else was in the room. Technically, I wasn't actually in the room, but still. Tyson was standing there, shirtless.

I screamed too.

A knock echoed through the room. I clasped my hands over mouth, hiding behind the wall beside the balcony window.

"Prince Tyson, is everything okay in there?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." He's covering for me. "I just knocked something over. It spooked me."

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