Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

While sitting next to broccoli boi and blondie guy that couldn't take a joke for shit, I look around and ask broccoli boy his name.

"H-hello." I say playing the shy type.

Green boy's cheeks were dusted lightly with shades of pink and red. "H-hello." he replied after a while.

Giving him a small smile, I ask, "I'm Y/n, what's your name?"

"I'm Izuk-", he was about to say his name, but some blondie cut in. "His name is Deku."

"Hello Deku!" I said enthusiastically, and gave him a hug, but it was quite awkward. My chest was in the way. "Deku you're actually one of the first friends I've made at UA." I blush softly and look down embarrassed, giggling slightly.

While I continued talking to him, I thought to myself, 'I bet he has the biggest dick than anyone else here. Small innocent boy, biggest dick.'

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone yell towards me, "Excuse me, you are making too much noise. I can't seem to concentrate with all the noise you guys are making." The male said in a serious tone. I turn around to see Iida talking to me.

Ahaha, his words seemed to turn into this while
I listened to him, 'eXcUse mE yOu aRe mAkInG tOo mUch nOiSe, I cAn't sEeM tO cOnCentrAte wiTh aLl tHe nOise yOu gUys aRe mAkinG yOu rUffIAns!!1!1!1!1!!' there's no way I would be able to take him seriously.

"But boi, yo pener is below average you should go to the doctors to go check that shit out..." I said towards him, and suddenly an outburst of laughter came from everyone.

While grabbing Deku's hand, and getting off the ground, we walked to the gates. We were about to enter the gates when I saw Iida glaring at me, I stood by Deku and he seems to be more confident for some reason...wonder why.

"Are you nervous Deku?" I asked him in excitement.

"Y/n-san, m-my real name is Izuku..." he says quietly with a soft smile.

"Too bad, Deku sounds badass dude, sounds like the name of a hero, and it's pretty cute." I say with a smirk.

He blushed and the announcer Mic started to count down, "3... 2... 1... GO!"

Taking Deku's hand I run in front of everybody and immediately getting a 3 pointer. I ran down more of the fake streets and lost Deku in one of the fights but ended up with about 40-60 points.

While trying to find Deku, a huge robot came in my way, but as I turned to my left, I saw Deku, "Woah, when did you get here?!" I ask in confusion.

"I've been here the entire time..." I hear Deku say faintly. 

I look around the bots perimeter and find one person, brown short hair. "DEKU LOOK, THAT GIRL IS GONNA GET SMASHED BY THAT ROBOT!" I exclaim.

Suddenly, Deku jumped up high in the air and punch the robot one time and the bot fell down, but so was Deku... he seems to have broken his legs and right arm. I quickly grab the girl and jump up and extended my hair towards him, my hair wrapped around his body and we safely made it down.

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