My inner vampire!!!

Start from the beginning

He keeps to himself, but he loves all of us immensely that as long as hes here no harm can befall any of us.

He is all so a black belt in martial art and gifted painter. And finally, my best friend, my closest and I mean closest brother my twin brother Yanu, his real name is Ayaan, but I call him Yanu.

I only call him Yanu because he calls me Dus-Dus. I got so tired of correcting him when we were five and telling him countless times that my name is Aydah that I gave up and started calling him Yanu. Hey! dont blame me I tried to play nice but my personality wouldnt let me.

He just loves to marvel in the fact that hes five minutes older than me. Ayaan is studying architecture in California. I havent seen him for two years. I miss him so much, although I would never admit it to him, his ego is already big enough as it is.

We have never been apart this long, but I talk to him every night before going to sleep.

He is so like me yet completely opposite, for example, I love swimming and any sport that involves water but, he claims hes aqua phobic.

He absolutely cannot stand cold water. I am the baby of the house and closest to my dad. My dad is Fulani while my mom is Shuwa-Arab. We live in London, but we visit Nigeria regularly. My dad is one of those happy, go-lucky dads, who loves his kids to no bounds, but he does tend to be a bit old fashioned from time to time.

He is currently retired and has left the company in the hands of Adnan and Khalid, but he still makes most of the important decisions. My dads name is Adam Ahmed Ishak while my mother is Nabeela Ibrahim Ishak.

I snuck out of the house and silently jumped into my sexy black range rover. I was silently driving to the supermarket listening to my favourite nasheed.

When I notice a white Mercedes Benz, now I know what youre thinking it was not the car that caught my attention rather it was the writing on the glass HELP! was written in bold letters with something that looked like blood, two kids a girl and a bot were ramming their fingers on the glass and screaming, I couldnt see their expressions cause the glass was partially fogged but I was already imagining them having tears in their eyes with the most frightful and innocent expressions.

I couldnt leave them cause all sign clearly pointed that theyve been kidnapped and me being me could never see a child in trouble and not save her/him. So, with my protective instincts kicked in I couldnt resist following the car...

I have been driving more than an hour, thirty minutes into the drive I stopped seeing the kids. Worse possible scenarios ran through my mind. Maybe he injected them with sleeping pills or worse maybe he killed them.

OMG what if he killed them, and I am the only witness. Will I have to change my name and move states, will I ever see my family again, is there Nutella in the witness protection program. Oh Allah please help me I prayed.

with every minute we are getting farther away from the supermarket. Oh hell am I kidding I am one hour away from home and probably lost, if I dont die in the hands of the kidnapers ill probably be eaten alive by a loin in the forest.

But I dont want to be lion meat I argued with my mind, but you also dont want to save those kids my mind replied, I am not even sure there still alive for all I know they are already dead and I am just trying to save dead bodies, I persisted, well you just have to hope, how would you feel if you were the parents of those kids, they must be worried sick.

Arrg why do you always have to be right I said questioning my mind, why do you always have to be wrong my mind said, I could already imagine Thea (my mind) smirking. Letting out a groan I continued driving. Fifteen minutes later the car parked in a large mansion, I cant see I can tell it has cream walls lined with gold, and gold windows, all in all it looked magnificent, it wouldnt take Einstein to figure out the owner is rich.

My heart skips a beat but not in a good way where your heart skips a few beat when you see the person you love, but in the way it skips a beat when you realise yo probably just led yourself, to the house of a mafia king, and are probably going to end up dead, eating by animals, sold to the highest bidder, made a female killing machine, turned into a prostitute, enslaved for the rest of your life or thrown into dungeons even though only castles are supposed to have dungeons.

Ignoring my frantically beating heart I grab the first thing I spot in the backseat, which is my Minnie mouse umbrella from when I was seven, I was so in love with the umbrella that I refused to let my mom give it away to my cousin Yazmin, therefore I hid it out in the car.

Yes I was given a car since I was seven, but I was driven around by my driver until I was old enough to get my drivers license, now I am as free as the leash my mom has on me will let me be, I gathered all my courage or what was left of it and marched out of the car to confront Mr. White, now you might be wondering why I call him Mr. White, well it is because he owns a white car.

smartness I say to myself nodding my head in approval of my of my stupidity.

Wow! Captain obvious Thea hisses, youre just jealous you didnt think of it I say smiling in satisfaction then quickly shutting her out before she comes up with something mean to me.

( I am not stupid, I know full well that Thea technically thought of it because lets face it shes my mind)

I hope you liked this chapter Aydah is mostly a representation of both my and my best friend personalities, likes and dislikes. XOXO

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