Contradictions Of The Heart And Mind (David Villa oneshot)

Start from the beginning

‘Well there’s no way of finding out unless we ask him!’ Amelia sighed

‘Yeah and how are we going to do that I mean go up to him and just ask?! I highly doubt he would tell complete strangers all about his personal life, he cares about his privacy’ Olivia informed her best friend.

Suddenly an idea hit Amelia ‘What if the person wasn’t a complete stranger and actually some-one he trusted?’ she asked

‘What on earth are you talking about? Wait I completely forgot did you get fired?’

‘Not yet but I have an idea that will not only let me keep my job but most likely get me promoted too!’ Amelia smiled

‘And what exactly is this great idea then?’ Olivia asked

‘Oli my dear I am going to go uncover the truth about what type of a person David Villa really is’

A look of sheer delight spread over Olivia’s face however it was short lived as her practical side emerged as she asked ‘Wait how exactly are you going to do that?!’


‘Are you sure they here Oli?’ Amelia asked as she waited in her car for the Barcelona team to emerge from the training ground.

‘Of course I am, trust me they will be out soon’ Olivia said on the other end of the telephone.

Amelia waited when she noticed a black BMW emerge ‘Wait Olivia Xavi just came out of the gates so let me see where David is’

Almost as if he had heard her David Villa emerged from the gates in his car but instead of heading in the direction back to the suburbs where the other players stayed he turned left.

‘I gotta go Oli he’s on the move wish me luck!’ she said before putting her car in gear and heading in the direction that he had driven off in.

‘Where are you going?’ she mumbled as the black car made its way through traffic and finally came to a stop by the beach.

She watched in confusion as David parked his car and stayed there for a while. Amelia drove passed turning her head in the opposite direction so he wouldn’t see her face and found a spot by the pier.

 She closed her eyes for a moment as she reminded herself why she was doing this. ‘It’s because your job depends on it’ she told herself ‘And I really need this job’ she said aloud.

As she opened her eyes, David walked past the front of her car; she watched as he made his way out onto the pier as the sun began to set beyond the horizon.

She waited as he reached the end of the pier and got out of the car and slowly made her way over to where he was walking. However as she watched him he put his right leg over the edge and stood up with each leg on either side of the cold metal barrier that protected him from the turbulent waves that crashed against the jagged rocks below.

Oh my god! He’s going to jump!’ Amelia thought as her paced quickened and she began to run as fast as she could to where David stood.

‘You don’t want to do this, jumping won’t solve any of your problems. Please get down and we can talk things through I’ she cried

Immediately she wished that she had not scared him and he began to sway dangerously in the direction of the ocean. Amelia raced over and grabbed David’s arm to steady him.

‘I was not going to jump. I always stand like this whenever I come out here the fresh air helps me clear my head’ David informed her as he swung his leg back over and jumped down onto the pier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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