Meeting my arch enemy

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He asked confused.

"It feels like you have a fever."

He laughed nervously. "No, I don't have a fever. It just runs in the family, I guess."

"Oh, okay. Um, the bathroom's down the hall to your left."

"Oh, yeah. I already forgot I had to pee. Thanks. I'll see ya later." And with that he left my room.

"You couldn't give me a little warning?" I asked Turbo. He was sitting next to me on his haunches and looked up at me. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was laughing at me. "I thought you were supposed to be man's best friend."

Turbo let out a small bark and trotted over to one of my shirts lying on the floor and picked it up in his mouth, then walked over to my dresser and put my shirt in one of the drawers. He sat back down on his haunches and looked up at me with those adorable puppy dog eyes with his tongue lolling out at the side of his mouth.

I sighed. "I can never stay mad at you." I gave him a belly rub and went back to cleaning my room. I started dancing while I folded some of my clothes. Here's something you should know about me, I can't sing and I sure as hell can't dance either.

Half an hour later and I still wasn't done. Lucia is right. How can I live like this?

"Alexis! Dinner's ready!" mom called from downstairs. I dropped what I was doing and sprinted down the stairs with Turbo right behind me. When I came into the kitchen everyone was already seated and ready to eat. The only open seat was next to Paul so I took it.

"I had to pay $200 to get the Impala back." Dad said a matter of factly.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Can't we have this discussion when we don't have hot guests. Seriously. And I thought dad was the cool parent. "So, are you going to introduce me?" I asked Lucia, changing the subject.

"Guys this is my delinquent sister, Alexis." She started. "Alexis, the guy on your left is Jacob, that's Jared, Embry, Quil, Seth and his sister Leah, that's Sam and Paul."

"Oh, we've already met." Paul said smirking.

"You have?" Jared asked confused.

"Yup." Paul replied. "Nice moves by the way." He winked at me.

"Well thank you, glad I made an impression." I chuckled. He probably saw me dancing again when he returned from the bathroom.

For dinner were hot dogs and fries. Yay!! My third favourite. Everyone was loading their plates with food, except for mom. That was no surprise, the real surprise is that Lucia's plate was over full too. I am so proud of her, up until she started talking about the time I got arrested.

"She then somehow got the cop's gun and when he realized, he took a swan dive behind the nearest desk!" Lucia laughed.

Everyone was laughing too, except for mom. She was shaking her head disaprovingly the whole time.

Turbo was lying by my feet waiting for me to slip him some food. But I could only do that when mom's not looking.

I didn't notice that while I was desperately trying to defend myself the hot dog was in my hand and that the sausage in the bun was slipping out while I was gesturing wildly with my hands.

All of a sudden the sausage landed on Paul's lap. Before anyone could do or say something, Turbo was on his feet to grab the sausage off his lap.

"Careful with my future." I yelled at Turbo when he grabbed the sausage off Paul's lap and almost biting Paul's 'you know what.'

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Where stories live. Discover now