"so, how was your night, heather?" axl asked, taking a sip from his coffee, i thought about last night, the party, drugs, alcohol, people, slash and the girl, my sadness, slash and i, and then this morning. i quickly stopped my thoughts and faked a smile at axl.

"definitely one to remember." i nodded at him as i began walked toward the archway that divided the kitchen from the living room. the second i walked into the room slash stood up and began walking to his bedroom. i wanted to stop him and talk but he would've never listened.

we all decided to head over to the rainbow again tonight, no matter how shitty things got we could always count on the rainbow to piece us all back together. the day had drug on forever, i hates the empty time that was spent on cleaning up the party mess that was slashs fault. good thing was we got everything cleaned up pretty quick, bad thing was time passed by awful slow the rest of the day.

once it finally came time we were all beyond ready to forget everything, or at least i was. we all piled into izzy's van, the drive was shorter than usual this time but i couldn't wait to get drinking. we split off into our normal groups, axls group walking through the front door with ease while my group once again climbed through the window.

we sat in our normal booth, the bartender knowing us and all of our drinks, this time i took it a little slower so i wouldn't get sick but also wasn't shy about the drinking. i had made it through my second margarita and fourth shot of jack daniels. i was beyond feeling good, i had started singing, 'i wanna know what love it' by foreigner which caused axl to start singing. we would make hand motions to each other like we were singing to each other because he was right across from me and the only other one singing.

out of strange habit i kept looking over at slash, he would give me a weird look if he caught my gaze and i'd quickly look away but this time i didn't want to look away because the lyrics fit too perfect in the moment.

"i wanna know what love is, i want you to show me." i stopped and began breathing deeply as slashs eyes were deep into mine, i felt myself to hollow inside and he pushed his way out of the booth we were sitting in without a single word.

"that was intense." steven whispered to me as he elbowed my side, i looked over at him and gave him a weak smile, he could see deeper than my fake smile but didn't make a scene out of it. he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and i leaned my head on his. i felt so safe in his grasp, as if nothing could touch me.

"hey, curtis!" i yelled toward the bartender working, him and i had gotten familiar due to the fact that we were always there and i could get away with drinks, "can we get another round of daniels and margaritas?"

"you got it," curtis shouted back as he began making the drinks. not even five minutes later curtis had brought over a tray full of drinks, we all thanked him and i began drinking my margarita slow at first but the alcohol i so deeply loved tasted so good and intoxicating i couldn't help but chug down the rest. my head was spinning, the room tossing and turning in all different directions. i groaned sickly as i didn't want to be at the rainbow anymore. my eyes caught axls and he smirked over in my direction. he pushed two more shots of vodka in my direction and winked at me.

"drink up, princess." axl smirked as he grabbed a shot, motioning in my direction for me to do the same, i sighed and picked up the glass. we gave a countdown before both of us downed the alcohol, my body giving off a small shiver as the alcohol took a toll on my body. i shook off the feeling and slammed the glass onto the table. "fuck yeah! that's how you do it!" axl yelled as he leaned back in the booth. my body slumped over as my vision began to get blurry. i began mumbling random things not knowing exactly what i was saying.

i let out a sick sigh as i leaned over and rested my head on one of the boys shoulder. i was flashing in and out of consciousness as my eyes finally opened after five minutes of blacking out to see slash with a cigarette between his lips, his right hand holding his margarita as they carried on a conversation i couldn't quite make out.

i breathed deeply to try and maintain my urge to throw up, i looked up at slash and he glanced down at me for a second before his eyes got wide, "holy shit, heathers really pale guys." he announced to the table, stevens head shot up from the table while duff stood up and leaned his long body across the table to try and get my attention. my head felt heavy and my eyes couldn't stay open for much longer.

i felt a warm hand on my cheek as my limp body was now being propped up, trying to get me to sit upright. "we gotta get out of here." izzy said as he grabbed the van keys and ran outside to bring it close to the entrance. my arms were wrapped around two of the boys shoulders as we all attempted to walked out of the rainbow. the two boys holding me up were stumbling all along the way as we finally made it to the fresh air, one more second of the cheap cigarettes, alcohol, perfume and cologne and i would've thrown up for sure. once we made it to the van i was pushed in by someone i couldn't make out at that moment in time. i leaned my head against the cold glass on the window of the van.

i groaned as my head was in pain, i felt the impression on the seat beside me but didn't have enough energy to look up and see who it was.

"hey, hey heather," i heard the familiar voice as they began to shake me softly, "come on, you gotta stay awake, okay?" he asked, the voice my source of comfort through the pain as i groaned.

"but i'm sleepy." i mumbled as i nuzzled my head against the hard glass. the strong arms of the boy grabbed me and pulled me comfortably into his chest, my hand softly residing on the cloth covered chest. i hummed softly as his arms cradled around my body. the whole world felt as if it were spinning once again due to the car moving.

finally the car was parked and we were at what i thought was the apartment. "come on heather, let's go." slash spoke as he pulled me out of the car, i couldn't walk much less stand, his arms wrapping tightly around my body before my legs gave out and i fell to the floor.

"no, slash." i protested, "i don't wanna walkkkkk." i complained as i stood there in his arms.

"heather, seriously, let's go."

"im sleepy." i whined and before i could process anything else slash picked me up, i hung on tightly to his back as he began walking to the apartment building with me hanging off his back like a monkey. i rolled my eyes and just rested my cheek on his shoulder, trying to keep myself awake but finding myself at home in the grasp i was in. 

after what seemed like forever we finally made it to the apartment, "let's go to bed." slash whispered to me as he carried me into the apartment, walking past the couches and into his room where he shut the door and dropped me onto his bed. i hummed in agreement as i began to cuddle up in his sheets, the coldness leaving quick as warmth began flooding inside the sheets and blankets.

"come on heather," slash spoke in annoyance as he began pulling off my shoes. "you can't sleep in these clothes." he spoke out as he pulled off my jeans and shirt, he replaced my shirt with one of his before crawling into bed wearing only his boxers. i smiled as he wrapped his arms around my body causing warmth to erupt.

"goodnight slash." i mumbled into his warm chest.

"goodnight heather." slash spoke sleepily.

heat of the moment. // slash Where stories live. Discover now