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Hey, I'm Y/n and I'm a regular junior high with a quirk and a super father....  THE ALL MIGHTY ALL MIGHT you'd think I'd have his powers but he pulled out but thankfully my mom got some of his sperm on her hand and inserted that hand in her vagina.

Of course all might was angry when he found out but when he did... my mom was pregnant.

When I was born I got my quirk—I mean quirks when I was at the age of 2,  I was a quiet child and was shy so my parents didn't worry about my quirk, which by the way is hair manipulation and 5% of One For All.


"Y/n, what highschool do you plan on going to after junior high?" my dad asked, leaning back on his chair while he reads the newspaper in his hands.

Placing my right hand on my chin, I thought, "Hmm, I don't really know yet, maybe I'll follow in my old man's footsteps and go to UA, but I'm not really worried about what highschool I want to go to right now."

"OhHhH is that so? I actually might teach there." he stated proudly with his chest puffed up and his chin held high and a stupid grin.

"Oof. I might reconsider now—I don't want my dad teaching me." I whispered to myself in disappointment.

"ohOHOHO! I BET YOU'LL HAVE LOTS OF FUN WITH ME AS YOUR TEACHER!" he kept going on about it with such enthusiasm.

"b-but DADDDDDDDD!" I whined.

"OH COME ON, WHAT COULD BE SO BAD ABOUT ME TEACHING." his voice going in a  more manlier and prouder tone than usual.

"Everything...." I replied with my head hanging low.

He suddenly gave me the puppy eyes and begged, "PLEASE GO TO UA, I'LL DO ANYTHING, PLEAAASSSEEE N/n!"

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'll go only if you get me VIP in the school!" I exclaimed, giving into my dad that is begging me on his knees, and that means a lot since he is the #1 hero.


"I'm your only child." I face palm at my dad's stupidity.

"I'LL TRAIN YOU HARD FOR THAT ENTRANCE EXAM—THIS IS SO EXCITING!" he squealed like a girl finding out her favorite boy band was coming to perform in her city.

"This can't be good." I thought to myself, resting one hand on my hip while the other on my forehead in a sassy manor.

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