Why I Started Making OCs

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When I was in elementary school, I was insanely into the TV show Ninjago Masters of Spinjitsu. And I always had wished I could have been part of that universe. But sadly, it was just a TV show and I couldn't actually be part of the world unless it was in my mind. So to fill that void, I made a character who got to be where and what I wanted to be. Amy was my very first OC and since I was making her the Twin sister to Lloyd, I wanted to match the first letters of their names. Lynette was what I came up with, but Amy was there first. I changed her name to Lynette for maybe 2 hours and thought, "Screw matching names! Amy it is!" Then I wanted to give her a unique power so I originally said love was her power, but that was overall stupid. So I eventually settled for Time to be her power. And she became who she is today. After that, I made OC after OC, and each had a few things in common. 1. They all like to sing and dance, but they have reasons to hide it. 2. They all are extremely smart. 3. They are all pretty. I based most of them off me and then made them things I want to be. Like I make them pretty and smart because......yeah. And they sing because I love to sing, but the dance ability is because I can't dance. But that's really the whole story behind why I started to create OCs. If there's any stories you'd like to hear, don't be afraid to comment down below what you would like to learn. But as always, thanks for reading and I'll see y'all next time! Macrafta out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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