Chapter 1

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Jonathan crept silently down the stairs, freezing at every creak. His hands were shaking; he wasn't sure if it was nerves or the body-wracking hunger that caused it.

His heart leapt as he spotted the kitchen door at the end of the corridor, and he pushed it open with barely-contained excitement. It was empty. Sneaking through the darkness, feet padded with several pairs of socks to muffle his footsteps, Jonathan made his way to the pantry. He didn't dare turn on a light; besides, his eyes were well-accustomed to darkness.

"Jonathan, what are you doing?" Jonathan whirled around at the sudden sound. A maid was standing in the doorway, silhouetted in the darkness.

"I-I just wanted some food," Jonathan whispered, eyes wide. "Please don't tell mother." The maid paused for a moment.

"Alright, I can't just let you starve. But be quick! You know the mistress doesn't like you disobeying her."

"Thank you," Jonathan breathed, relief flossing his chest.

"Don't mention it. Seriously." The maid placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't know why they punish you so much. You seem like a nice boy." She gave him a small smile, then retreated back into the darkness.

Jonathan grabbed three cups of applesauce and a protein bar and left the pantry, wincing as the door clicked shut behind him. His heart fluttering, he hugged the precious food to his chest and slunk out of the kitchen.

He met no one as he travelled back down the corridor and up the stairs. Once he was safe in his room, he stashed two of the cups and carefully ate the third, though it only seemed to make him feel hungrier. He curled up on his bed, falling into a restless sleep.


Jonathan woke then next morning to a soft knock on his door.

"Jonathan, are you awake? It's nearly time for your lesson." Despite his sleepless night, Jonathan couldn't hold back a smile at the sound of his teacher's voice.

"Coming!" He called, hopping off his bed and pulling off his shirt. He changed with haste and raced down to the "classroom", which was a small parlor out of the way. Miss Eliza was waiting for him there, and she gave a warm smile, her dark eyes twinkling.

Miss Eliza was his saving grace. Jonathan was convinced she was an angel sent from above. With her shining auburn hair and rosy cheeks she certainly looked the part, and she was also the kindest and wisest person Jonathan had ever met. Considering how misbehaved he was, he was surprised his parents even let her teach him.

"I brought you something." Miss Eliza grinned and gestures to the coffee table between them. Jonathan gasped in shock. On the table was a cinnamon roll; the biggest cinnamon roll he had ever seen!

"Miss Eliza, I-I don't deserve this!" He said quickly, stepping back.

"Of course you do," Miss Eliza said, her confusion clear on her face. "You've been working hard in our study sessions." Jonathan shook his head, tearing his eyes away from the temptation.

"You don't understand, I've done nothing to deserve it." He stared at the floor. If his parents caught him eating that he'd definitely be punished.

"Maybe not," Miss Eliza murmured, though she sounded unconvinced, "but take it anyway, as a gift."

"A gift?" Jonathan echoed, looking up at her.

"Yes. A gift from me, because I think you deserve it."

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