Sofia lifted her head slightly to look at Emma; she was facing away from her in her bed.

"Emma?" She called out, but she didn't respond.

Sofia scrunched up her brow and for one fleeting moment she got the impression that somehow, she'd hurt Emma's feelings. She had no idea what had triggered Emma's sudden change in mood but Sofia decided that she wasn't going to spend another moment trying to get answers out of her so she lay back down on her bed and closed her eyes as well.


After the first night, the mood between the girls turned sour.

Emma, still reeling from Sofia's comments, avoided her as much as she could (which obviously turned out to be extremely difficult as they were both stuck in the same cabin) It mostly involved Emma blocking her out by sticking in her ear phones or flipping through a book.

Sofia, on the other hand, turned quieter over the next few days. It was as if she'd finally realised just how much her words had upset Emma. Usually she would be showering Sofia in insults and sarcastic remarks but she hadn't said a single word to her since that first night. Really it shouldn't have bothered Sofia this much, why should she care if someone she didn't like didn't talk to her? That's what she wanted. Right?

Sofia had no idea why it was bothering her but it's not as if she could talk to Emma about it. Emma didn't want to talk to her and Sofia couldn't blame her. They had both said things about each other before and they weren't afraid to throw insults but it was as though Sofia had crossed a line; she could feel it. What she said hadn't been about Emma, it had been about her family, her home life and really, she shouldn't have said anything because she didn't know anything about it. Sofia knew her dad wouldn't be pleased. The pranks he could've moved past but Sofia's comments, she knew that he wouldn't have condoned that kind of behaviour. But Sofia couldn't think of a way to apologise as in her mind she believed that if she so much as looked in Emma's direction she would brush her off and ignore her. She really was at a loss for words.

Eventually, the girls were allowed to leave their cabin to get drinks and food from the mess hall at different times throughout the day. They weren't allowed to hang around in there for long but at least it meant that they could get some time away from each other. It gave Emma a chance to leave when she felt like her emotions were about to boil over and when Emma left it allowed for Sofia to think about everything that had happened.

Emma liked being outdoors; it calmed her. Her and her mum would often take walks together in Hyde Park back home. Sometimes they'd take Chewie with them which was always good for a laugh when he tried to chase the birds and ducks down by the pond. When Emma was a lot younger, they always used to go to the playground that was there and the day would usually end with her mum getting them ice cream. Thinking about home now made Emma awfully home sick. She didn't usually get like this but she guessed the situation she was in with Sofia made her miss London even more.

She walked down the pathway that lead to the main camp, head down and her hands in her pockets. It was silent until Emma heard rustling in a bush a few inches in front of her. She cautiously stopped and walked closer towards it, brow scrunched up when suddenly, out of nowhere, Violet popped out from behind a tree.

Emma nearly jumped out of her own skin. "Jesus! Violet, what the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm coming to see you." She replied, pushing a branch out of her way and stepping over a log, walking onto the pathway.

"And all of this is necessary?" Emma said pointedly, gesturing to Violet and referencing the fact she had just walked out of a bush when a perfectly good path was right behind her.

A Brilliant Beyond Brilliant Idea - {A Modern Rogue One AU}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu