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At the Luxor Criss was working on a few things in his theater when the door opened and Johnny came in.  "Should I call security Criss tell them we have a lost child?".  Criss jumped off the stage and jogged over to him.  "Johnny what are you doing in here.  Something wrong with your mother?" he asked.  "Mommy won't wake up" he replied.  "Take my hand Johnny and show me where mommy is?" Criss asked.  He took Criss's hand and they left. 

When they got to the store Josephine was starting to wake up wondering what happened.  "Josephine you all right?" Criss asked helping her into a chair.  "I think so I just got dizzy and lost my balance"she remarked.  "You scared Johnny that he came and got me"Criss stated.  "Come here sweetie" she said.  Johnny walked over cautionly and walked into his mother's arms as she hugged him.  "I'm sorry for scaring you baby but I am happy you remembered where uncle Criss's theater was".

"Me remembie good"he remarked with a smile.  "Yes you did buddy.  Josephine why don't you home and take it easy for today" Criss suggested.  "With the flash Criss the only time I get to relax is when he's asleep" she said as Johnny laughed which made Criss chuckle.  "How about I take him.  My whole afternoon is clear which is rare" he stated.  "All right I'll pick him up around six" she said. 

"Come on you little lightning blot let's go to my house and I'll hook you up to that hamster wheel and I'll save some money on electricity" Criss suggested as he put Johnny playfully over his shoulder.  "Bye mommy" Johnny stated waving good-bye.  At the house Criss and Johnny were swimming as JD came in the back yard.  "I see we're having some fun today" as they got out. 

"Bathroom"Johnny asked.  "Do you remember where it is or do I need to show you again" Criss inquired. "Me remembie" and Johnny went into the house.  "So what's Speedy doing here?"JD asked which made Criss chuckle.  "Johnny was running Josephine to the point where she passed out so I offered to take him so she could rest" Criss remarked as they sat down. 

"I hope it's not her heart you know heart problems run on dad's side of the family" JD replied.  "You nearly sent mom and me into a panic when you collapsed during the premiere of Believe"Criss stated.  "But they fixed the problem and put a pace maker in me" JD replied.  "What about Costa he developed Congenital heart defect when he was born but thankful it wasn't anything that could kill him just yet" Criss added. 

"You've come out pretty good considering" JD asked.  "I still see the cardiologist once a week since I had that heart infection"Criss replied.  "Which you gave to yourself mind you"JD added.  "Don't remind me when Josephine comes over and picks up Johnny I'll tell her about dad's side of the family" Criss stated.

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