Lila stared at James through her mirror and slowly nodded her head.

“I’m dreading today. I asked him to meet at our spot with Starbucks.”

“Aren’t you going to ruin a good thing if you tell him at your spot?” James asked her, not meeting her eyes.

Lila closed her eyes, hating how straight forward James was.

“I know, but everything happens there. It only seems right.”

“I’m sorry.” James mumbled into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her, she didn’t realize that she had started crying.

And then, Lila got the text from Sam, saying that he was there and waiting.

Something was up. Sam could feel it. He sat at their spot with what Lila had asked for. He fidgeted with the bag of cookies and watched as a couple ran by, laughing.

We’ve never been like that, have we? Sam shook his head. Of course they have. Just not recently. Sam couldn’t help but notice how Lila was acting and how skinny she’s gotten. Sam tries not to let the fact that Lila and James hang out bother him, but he feels like he’s out of the loop. Like there’s something he doesn’t know. Today, he is going to “grow some balls” as Gina put it, and ask Lila what’s up.

“Shit, I forgot to get whip cream.” Sam muttered to himself as he looked at the drink he ordered for Lila.

“That’s okay!”

Sam jumped. “God damn it, Lila. Don’t do that to me.” He put a hand on his heart and Lila giggled and plopped down next to him and leaned over to give a peck on his cheek.

“I’m sorry. Did you wait long?”

Sam smiled at her and thought, “god, I am so whipped,” before he shook his head.

“Nope! Didn’t wait long at all! How are you?” Sam asked and handed Lila her hot chocolate.

“I’m okay.” Lila replied before taking a sip of her drink.

“Just okay?” Sam watched her intently. Something is definitely wrong.

“Um, there’s something that I need to tell you.” Lila whispered, not making any eye contact with Sam what so ever.

Sam froze “What?” He could feel his heart rate speed up with worry. No matter what she says, Sam could tell that this would not have a good ending.

He barely heard what she had said. The only words that echoed in his mind was, “I’m dying, Sam.”


Lila is dying.

Holy shit. No.

He looked at Lila to see if that was some sort of sick joke, but the tears in her eyes told him that this was reality.

Sam glanced over her frail body. It all made sense now. He understood. But he wished that it were something else. He even wished that his were happening to someone else.

“It’s always the best people, isn’t it? How long?” Sam whispered. He looked down and noticed he had dropped his coffee.

Lila stayed silent.

“How long have you kept this from me?” Sam urged. Lila let out a strangled sob.

“I’ve known for a little over a year now. And I’m not in good shape. By the time that we figured out what I have…it had already done the damage.”

Sam felt his heart drop. “You’re saying that if you found out sooner, there would have been-“

“A chance?” Lila smiled sadly at Sam.

“I’ve felt so guilty. There was a reason for me not making friends in the outside world. I didn’t want to hurt anybody. Not if I could help it. But Sam, you just-“ Lila’s tears couldn’t be held back anymore, and all the anger that Sam had felt towards Lila had started to diminish.

“You should have told me.” He murmured as he pulled her close to his chest. His arms wrapped around her tiny body protectively.

“But then you wouldn’t have treated me as normally as you did. I would have just been a sick girl to you.” Lila sniffed, trying to stop her tears from continuing.

Sam didn’t respond, because they both knew that she was right. Sam would have treated her differently. He wouldn’t have taken her to the carnival, or on any of those dangerous rides. He would treat her like she was about to break at any given moment.

“I’ve tried so many times to tell you. But I was afraid that you would hate me for not telling. That you would leave. Which is wrong, because I know that someday I’m going to leave-“

Before Lila could even finish her sentence, Sam smashed his lips to hers and Lila responded immediately. 

“I love you.” Sam whispered against her lips and Lila started crying all over again.

“I’m sorry, I love you too.”

“Please don’t go.” Sam whispered to Lila and Lila pulled back a little to look Sam in the eyes, “I won’t ever leave you.”


She finally told him and we have one more chapter to go. What do you think is going to happen next??

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