everyone is here

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alfrid opens it. dick, Ryan and Mari are at the door. he let's them in
dick, Ryan and Mari: hey alfrid
alfrid: hello master dick, Ryan and misters Mari. master bruce is in the dining room waiting for you.
Mari flys off
alfrid: no flying
she pretends like she can't hear him.
dick: she totally heard you. 
alfrid:  i know
ryan runs after her and they follow.. and sit at the table.
Mari hugs bruce then Damian. ryan hugs bruce.
bruce: hey kids..
Damian: hi mini grayson
Mari: hey grampa dami
Ryan: hey grandpa
THE door bell rings again.  alfrid opens it. it was the drakes
tim: hey alfrid
alfrid: hello master Tim.. hello mistress stephaine.
stephaine: hi alfrid.  
they go sit down at the table 
bruce: hello tim stephaine.
stephaine: hey bruce
tim: hey bruce
THE door bell rings again. alfrid answers it. it was the todd/cains. josh runs in being chased by jasmin.
Jason: hello. alfrid. sorry about them two. 
alfrid: it's ok master Jason. .
cassendra: hi alfrid
alfrid: hello mistress cassendra.
josh and jasmin run into the dining room.
josh: help please.
jasmin is giggling and she goes hugs josh
josh: don't hug me or i will punch you again.
she keeps hugging him, he punchs her and she starts crying
dick: who are theses two?
Jason and cassendra walks in
Jason: our kids.
cassendra hugs jasmin who is crying
jason: we said no fighting josh
josh: fine
stephaine: Cass. your a mum?
cassendra: mum and a step-mum to josh.
stephaine: oh
they a sit at the table.
damian: Todd . cain.
jason: hello demon sporn..
tim: how long you and Jason been together Cass?
Jason: 3 years
tim: cool.
jasmin: mommy daddy who they?
she was pointing to Tim and stephaine
cassendra: uncle Tim and aunty stephaine..
stephaine: she is so cute how old is she?
Jason: 2.
damian: Todd Jr.
josh: lbn Al exufasch
damian: how do you know that!
josh: rise by the laugue remember
they start to fight each other
bruce: damian! josh! stop that now
they stop fighting 
bruce: good.
Mari flys over to damiam
mari: you ok uncle damian?
Damian: yes.
ryan: josh is cool.
dick: ok Ryan.
josh grawls at damian angrily
casendra: josh why don't you calm down outside.
josh: you can't tell me what to do. your not my mum.
Jason: josh
josh: fine!
josh goes outside
tim: since when have you two been responsible and good at dealing with kids who are like demon sparn?
Jason: since josh came back two years ago. 
stephaine: oh. 
cassebdra: yeah.
jasmin yawns
jason: looks like jasmin needs a nap.
cassendra: yeah.
bruce: you can put her in my bed to sleep.
cassendra: thank you bruce
she goes and put jasmin to sleep then cones back.    
stephaine: is your life all ways like this now?
Jason: yep but normally josh is trying to kill jasmin
dick: oh my.
jason: yeah.

the children of the bat family (complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora