Chapter 5

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Ricky's P.O.V.

I walked into the check in area.

"Hello how may I help you?" The woman asked.

"Yes, have you seen a small, pale, black haired girl?" I asked.

The woman thought for a minute. "Clothes? What was she wearing?"

Fuck. What was she wearing. "Black skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides shirt." I said. She thought for a minute.

"Is this girl in trouble?"

"She's my... Fiancé and her parents are looking for her." I said. She nodded.

"I'm not suppose to tell if she's here or not."

I slammed my fist down on the counter. "God dammit! I need to know where she is."

"Calm down sir." She said. I looked at the board behind her that held all the keys I kept some of the numbers memorized that had no key.

"Fine, I'll go look somewhere else." I said walking out. I ran to one of the doors and knocked.

"Hello?" A fat blonde lady answered.

"Never mind." I walked off and found the next number. I knocked.

"Yes?" A shirtless guy said. I walked off to the next door. I sighed and knocked. I waited a minute and knocked again. Soon it opened. Lindsey.

"Lindsey?" I grabbed her for a hug. "Oh my god. We couldn't find you."

She pushed me off. "I didn't want to be found!" She says, she pulled me in and shut the door. "And you are not going to tell you found me got it?"

I sat down on the bed. "Umm yes I am." I stood and grabbed her wrist pulling her with me.

"No!" She screamed. I heard the bathroom door open.

"Hey!" I got slammed against a wall. I looked to see Jack. I got back up.

"Oh no you didn't." I said and punched him as hard as I could. He fell to the ground. I grabbed Lindsey's bag and threw her over my shoulder and ran to my car. I put her in and sped off before she could get out.

"Let me out!" She screamed.

"I swear to god I will sit on you if you keep doing that!" I yelled.

"Why are you doing this? Find another girl! Let me go back to Jack." She begged.

"I'm not doing it to get you, I'm doing it because I saw how much pain and worry you put your parents through!" I yelled.

She got quiet as I continued to drive. I got to her house and grabbed her and pulled her inside. I made her sit on the couch and called her parents making sure she stays in my eye sight.

I hung up after they said they would be home soon.

"I hate you." She said as I heard the car door shut.

"I hate you too, you ruined my life as well." The front door swung open.

"Lindsey!" Her dad roared. He pulled her up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door shut. I heard yelling for a while then it quit. He walked down stairs and plopped down on the couch.

"I should have never let her date him." He said sighing.

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