Chapter 4

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The 25 lucky girls were all moved to the very front of the room right in front of the emperor. He looked over each of them and then spoke "for the next month you 25 girls will be living in the castle and performing some of the duties of the empress. Such as working with the people and entertaining important guests. As well as performing some of the duties of the empress one of you will perform each night for me and my family. You can do anything you deem worthy. After tonight you will be performing in the same order you were chosen to stay. As for tonight my wife will perform a traditional dance for us all. Know if you will excuse me my sons right hand man Cheung will take you to your living quarters for the next month." The emperor gestured to his right were Cheung and the prince were standing then stood and said, "I look forward to seeing you all tonight." Then the emperor left through the doors his son had arrived though as all the girls watched him leave.

Then Cheung said a simple "Follow me" and began to walk to the doors they had walked through before with all the girls following but one whose eyes had been caught by the piercing eyes of the prince.

Meilen pov

As the emperor talked I tried to listen but I can't help feeling I was being stared at so I sneak a look around and sheer enough the prince himself is staring at me. His eyes are captivating blue and as soon as are eyes meet it feels as if I can't move. It feels as if he is staring into my vary soul. I can barely breath. I am vaguely aware of the emperor saying something about looking forward to something and people moving around me but I'm frozen by his eyes. Then the prince looks behind me, freeing me from his gaze and I can finally breath again. The prince begins to ask as he moved closer "What is your name?"

Meilen wasn't sure if he should say his sisters name or his own but in the end chose not to lie but couldn't help but stutter "m m my name is Fa Meilen" Meilen can only hope the prince hasn't already seen through his ruse.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." The prince reached out his hand and cups meilens cheek moving closer until there faces were only inches apart from each other. Meilens breath was becoming horse and the prince smirked saying "There are many things a man and a woman can do together when they are alone Fa Meilen."

It took a second for Meilen to prosses what the prince was saying but when he did one-word stuck out "Alone?!" Then he looked around to see everyone ells had left leaving only him and the prince. Panicking Meilen turned to the prince bowing low and saying, "I'm very sorry you highness but I must be going, thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your castle goodbye!" Then Meilen was running out the doors looking both directions seeing the others almost at the end of the hallway to the right. So, he did the only thing he could and ran as fast as he could.

Princes pov

I watch as she frantically ran to the door then took of to the right. "How vary cute, till next time my little plum." 


Sorry about the short chapter but thank you for reading. 

Have a great life!!

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