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??????'? POV:

  "It all started when two little children were around 9 yeas old. They met during school, and quickly became friends. Their friendship between them was stro-"

  "Ow! That hurt!" Someone smacks me upside the head.

  Someone scoffs, "I don't care. Don't need to be dramatic to this camera we have." This person says waving their hand dismissively.

  "Pfft. Whatever. I can be dramatic if I want to be!" I say to the previous person who spoke.

  "Anyways! Where was I? Oh right, their friendship!"

  "Anyways. Needless to say, the two grew so close they called each other sisters from different families. The two would do everything together."

  "But one day though, the two were 16, and they went to go get some fresh air outside at the park. They saw something on the horizon, and noticed a huge blob on the horizon."

  "The two got up, and saw a lot of arms, but they realized it wasn't arms, it was tentacles. The two rush home, and told their families."

  "They didn't believe them, so they grabbed their parents budder weapons, because they were taught self defense when they were 13 or 14 years old."

  "When they got outside of the rooms, they saw something that scarred them for life."

  "There were a bunch of squids. They had killed their whole families. The two were outraged, but managed to sneak out. They got out of their destroyed hometown."

  "They have been on the run since that day. Let's jump forward to a few years later."

  "The two are now 20 years old, and they stay in a cave, but then the-"

  "HEY! Stop smacking me!" I whine.

  "Well, why not I take over then? You told quite a bit. Imma take over this story." The other says, and I nod.

  I turn the camera off for the night, and we go to sleep.

HEY! I'm back with a new fanfic, and I probably shouldn't, but I am! Know that I don't have an updating schedule, so I'll update when I have no writers block.

Two Friends (A Team Crafted Fanfic) [discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora