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Jasont is the son of the greatest traffic cop on the job. Who is this traffic cop? Mr.Wallace,or Jacob. Mr.Wallace keeps all citizens safe,well almost all.


I checked my watch. It read exactly 2:59. One minute until my shift is over. You know I actually love this job.

You meet different people everyday. But there's a downfall. You worry. The people you meet everyday could die at any time if you dont stop the firious traffic at once. And it could all be your fault. Well it looks like my nightmare just came true.


Biker Annie Brawn gets hit from behind. In camera footage you can see her clearly decapitated by an overhead streetlight. Tragic I know.


Dad told me at first they couldn't find the biker's head. It turns out it landed in the living room of an aparptment,only to be found by two girls playing with Barbies. I can only imagine that image clouding their
minds of joy and sweetness with fear and horror. They should only know about Tinker Bell and 2nd grade math. I don't know why my dad still wants me to have this job.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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