Caught in a Lie

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- Harry's POV -

As soon as I stepped foot inside my home, I was winded from the running I did. Sure, I'd lost Louis at the school a long time ago while running away from him but that didn't keep me from rushing home.

"Oh my goodness! What happened to your clothes, sweetie?" My mum rushes to my side as she notices my lunch - stained shirt before she notices my hair.

Guess I'd done a better job rinsing my hair than my shirt, naturally. I will admit, I do care more about my hair than my shirt.

"Don't worry about it," I attempt to calm her down and explain it away to her as something simple. "I just tripped with my lunch, alright?"

She sighs and nods as she seems to pause and sympathise with me. "Oh.." She stops to think. "I remember in high school that happened to me too," She starts to say and I really don't care all that much to be honest.

".. I spilled the food on your father and he didn't mind, he just said to be careful next time." She smiles as she remembers it. "It feels almost like it was yesterday,"

I blush. "How did you..?" Know..?

"Oh.. that's what happened to you?" She laughs. "Did you spill it on a girl? Did a girl spill it on.. you?"

I swallow and look at my feet as I get flustered. "Uhmm.. yeah.. kinda..?"

I didn't want to tell her it was a boy, not yet at least. As accepting as my mom is, I'm afraid she won't really like me as a son anymore. There's always that fear..

"Oh love.." She smiles as she hears it. "Well.. when did you meet her?" I just didn't have the heart to say it was a 'he' at the moment.

"Uhmm.. well.. yesterday actually."

She smiles as she looks over at me from her spot on the hallway carpet in front of me.

"Do you two get along?"

I bite my lip confusedly as I fidget and think about how I'd embarrassedly stumbled and landed in front of Louis. "Well.. not really..?"

"That's alright," She reassures me with her big smile. "..That's what happened to me and your father."

"Oh, okay. Well.. I'm gonna.. go take a shower now," I say with a smile and go up the stairs before hearing Gemma start humming from a short distance

"Did you tell her yet?" She asks me excitedly, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Tell her.. what?"

She rolls her eyes and laughs. "That you're gay? Duh."

I put my hands on my hips as I start to tell her off. "Uhm.. no? Because I'm not gay? I've told you that? ....duh."

She smiles with an unconvincing look on her face. "Uh huh.. sure. Mom won't believe that when I tell her."

"What? Dude! I'm not gay!" I whine, though I'm not a very good actor.

"Yeah right."

"Fine, I'm just gonna go tell mum you keep calling me gay." I stick my tongue out at her and laugh as I start to walk off to where my mum is.

"Wait- No don't do that, Harry!" She shouts off to me quietly, and I start laughing mischievously as I know I'm going to get her in trouble now with my antics.

I creep down the stairs and the smell of baked chicken hits my nose and I giggle a bit as I turn the corner to see my mum cooking in the kitchen.

I'm about to call out my mum's name when suddenly Gemma rushes in before me and pushes me into a wall, sticking her tongue out at me as if you say, 'What're you gonna do about it?'

"Ow you prick! That hurt!" She smirks at me as it dawns upon me about what she wants.

She wants me to push her back so she can tell mum.

Not happening.

Just as I move from my spot to start walking away, mum turns to look at me and Gemma reaches out and slaps me to try and provoke me once more as the last time didn't go as she had planned.

I catch mum's eye as this occurs, so I know what I have to do. Plot against Gemma. I giggle on the inside.

"Umm.. OW?" I whine and pretend to start crying as I as well pretend to rush off to my room so I can listen to mum yelling at Gemma, though I'm really just hiding behind the wall near to the stairs.

"Gemma?! What on earth is wrong with you?! Why would you slap your brother?!"

I laugh to myself and sneak up the stairs quietly, pushing the door shut behind me and heading off to take a shower to rinse off the disgustingly crusted food on my clothes.

My mind starts to wander off to Louis as I'm in the shower, and I swallow as I think about him.

He's.. amazing? To say the least..

Sure he was sort of a jerk to me today but.. to be fair I'd probably be upset too.

I find myself smiling like an idiot as I continue to think about him.

- Liams POV -

I'm currently at Louis' house, and we're playing video games together but all I can hear about is Harry this Harry that..

Louis would not stop talking about him practically ever since he'd first set his eyes upon my best friend.

I had tried to get them together, though it had gone south quickly as Harry had been far too clumsy and anxious about it.

"Can you believe that Harry actually spilled his food on me..?" Louis blushes and sighs to himself as he seems to be blindly infatuated with Harry. "He's just so cute.. I love how he's so shy.."

I sigh and laugh a bit. "Dude.. he's really not shy you just scare him. I swear. I have his phone number.. you know.."

I mention that I have Harry's number in hopes that Louis will stop rambling to me about how 'in love' he is and actually maybe talk to this boy for once.

He smiles super wide and reaches out towards me."Give me!"

I chuckle a bit."Only if you promise not to use it for your cheesy pickup lines."

He smiles."That's my decision."

"Sure, whatever," I say and I give him the number hoping that I won't have to hear about Harry anymore from him.

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