Are You True ?

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The game had ended and Lucas had the winning shot which caused the crowd to cheer, however the loudest by far was his twin sister Maya who had the biggest smile on her face as she was so proud of her older brother.


Lucas had changed and was walking over to his mom, Maya and Keith. Before anyone could say a word Maya had thrown herself at Lucas,he had to catch her so they wouldn't fall over.

" You did good Buba" Maya told him as they swayed side to side as Lucas put her back on the floor

   "You rock." Keith told Luke with a smile

"Thanks, Uncle Keith." Lucas responded before he hugged his mother

"For a kid that was about to quit, that was something to see." Keith continued

"But I picked up fouls too early, and I was slow getting back into  it." Lucas commented which cause Maya to pull a face at him

  "You were great." Karen confessed a big smile on her face and Lucas smiled back

" yeah stop with the negative" Maya sassed causing the other three to laugh

"Thanks guys. See you soon, mom. Maya." Lucas said walking away from the both

"Not too late." Karen told him

Maya was  at home after the game in her room drawing on her bed before she meets Lucas and Haley,when she heard her phone ping with a text. She looked at it and saw it was mouth

Mouth: glad Lucas decided to play, see you soon

The text made Maya smile, she loved how close her mouth and skills were and that they was not just friends because of Lucas.

Maya: yeah been busy at work and with Lucas but deffo need a mouth and maya day soon

With that Maya started a new sketch without a thought and a big smile on her face.

(Not my sketch)

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(Not my sketch)


"Come one, come all, to the Tree Hill annual Burning  Boat festival. Burn your bad karma, bad luck, or bad choices and start  anew. We'll be collecting items all week. Nothing is too big, too small,  too tragic, or too trivial..." the announcer shouted as Maya,Lucas and Haley walked through the market

"Nice game, Lucas."  A random boy stated which made a smug smile appear on Lucas's face.

"Hey, thanks." Luke replied

"You are just blowing up." Haley commented with a laugh

"Well, yeah, man. I'm a big star now. You better hope I keep you  around." Lucas told the girls cockily

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