Chapter 22

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Joey's POV

"Nothing!" I immediately said.

Dangit, I always say that when I get nervous.

"Uh, okay?  Anyways, were you talking to anyone? Don't lie to me, it's not even possible for you to lie out of this one," Bryan said.

Frick, he's right, but I can't tell him that I'm gonna ask his parents. I have to think of something, quick and now!

"Oh sorry, I was on a call with Matt, he said he wanted to talk to us tomorrow," I said.

"Wait, again? Why?" Bryan asked.

"I'm not sure, he didn't really say, he was like, come to the office tomorrow or something," I replied.

"Joey, I'm not sure if I want to go again, I still kinda feel uncomfortable with people. Not only that, I feel even more uncomfortable that everyone knows in Hi5! I know we told Connor to spread it, but it feels like people are making a big deal about it. When Connor was dating, no one cared after a day!" Bryan said.

"I-I'm sure it'll be different, just trust me," I looked at Bryan.

"Hm, alright. Just stick with me so I'm not alone," Bryan said.

That's going to be a problem, when the hell do I go to Bryan's parent's house? I could go really early, like at 5 or something, but we usually get at the office at 5. Bryan also wants me to stay with him, but how am I suppose to do that! Why did I chose this route. First thing, I have to message Matt to cancel our "meeting" so we can go straight home. Matt better get this message, if he doesn't then this plan will all go down. Another thing is I have to go Bryan's parent's house, but when is a good time. This plan sucks so much, I probably have to go now. It's about 8-ish, and we sleep somewhere near 9. If I just stay up and pretend I'm asleep, I can probably sneak out and talk to them there! I hope they'll be awake though, if not, then I'm dead. This better all work, or else Bryan will know! I have to play it calm, this is all for Bryan. 

"H-Hey Bryan, do you wanna just go to sleep for now, I'm kind of tired," I said.

"Oh uh, it's only 8 but if you want then sure. I'll catch up with you, just stay in bed for now. Lemme finish watching this," Bryan said.

But that show is about 1 hour long!

"Eh-- I don't want to feel lonely, can you just stay in bed with me? Pwease?" I begged.

"Alright fine, put those eyes away," Bryan demanded.

We walked to the bedroom and we got into bed. It might take some time before Bryan will actually fall asleep. 

"Night Joey, love you" Bryan said and turned off the lights.

"Night, night Bry," I replied.

I might be a long boring 1 hour of staying in bed and doing nothing. I tried not to move every so often, but this is making me a little bit sleepy. I had to keep my eyes open, but the room was so dark. At least Bryan can't see my eyes, otherwise he'll ask me. I just have to wait it out for a little longer, then I can go.

*An hour later*

It felt like an hour and I'm so bored. Can't Bryan just sleep a little bit faster! As I said that, Bryan started snoring! Yes! Time to get outta here!


As soon as I tried to get up, he started hugging me tightly! What the crap is he even asleep! His grip was too tight, but I had to loosen it. Can people asleep even hug this hard! I was in a uncomfortable position and if I tried to move, he could wake up! I grabbed his hand, and slowly placed it on my leg--for now. I kept it there just in case he would wake up. After a minute or so, I gently placed his right arm on his legs. Okay, okay, I might be good so fa- ...

I was then interrupted with Bryan's leg's strapped around mine. Give me a fuc-ahem, why did this have to happen now. This could've all just happen if I didn't want to do this plan, otherwise I would've enjoyed it. I had to slowly move each of my legs forward so Bryan's legs wouldn't move. I manged to get my right leg out, but my leg is kinda stuck. After attempting to remove my left leg from Bryan's legs, HIS FREAKING LEFT ARM SOMEHOW GOT UNDER MY NECK AND HUGGED ME BY THE CHEST. How. Is. This. Even. Possible. Y'know what, I give up. He's already too close to me and I can't even move at this point. My leg was stuck and my whole body was strapped by Bryan's right arm. I even told his parent's that I was coming, but I guess that have to wait it out. Doing this another day won't happen, I have to be with Bryan. I didn't want to ask them, I'd probably just back out. Since it doesn't matter of how I'm sleeping, I moved my whole body and faced Bryan. Bryan started moving, looked like he was waking up. At this point, I don't even care anymore. I looked at Bryan and kissed him on the lips. This slightly woke him up even more.

"Hm, am I dreaming," Bryan said quietly. 

"Yes, now go back to sleep," I demanded.

I don't when I'll get my chance to ask Bryan's parent's approval, but I'll just say that I did. Bryan went back to sleep and I decided to join him. This plan was all for nothing, I don't even know why I bothered to do this.

*Few more hours later*

I eventually woke up, and I was so tired. Staying up and doing nothing, drained everything. Bryan looked like he was awake, he was on his phone scrolling through social media. 

"Hey, wake up, we gotta go to Matt's meeting again," Bryan said.

"Y'know, I'm too tired to get up, can we just do it tomorrow," I said tiredly. 

"Fine by me, I didn't really want to go in the first place," Bryan replied.

"I'll message him or call him later, don't worry," I said.

I was too tired to do anything, so I just decided to stay in bed. By any dumb weird chance I'll see Bryan's parents, I'll ask them. No backing out, but if I don't. I just hope that they can respect me.

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