Chapter 8 (Smut)

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Ok I lied
Just one smut because I can't do it, losing my inspiration
I know there going to be bad because of how depressed I still am
I'm sorry

I gave up and Twice decided to play truth or dare but the thing was...

It wasn't Truth or Dare... it felt more like Life or Death...

I say that because out of the corner of my eye

I see two people staring at me from within the shadows...


Those two shadows lurking from the darkness bothered me the whole game, so I excused myself from our truth or dare game to investigate and as I entered the room from where I felt the gaze of my two stalkers, I gasped in shock...


I blacked out

After maybe a few minutes, I woke up, massaging my head where I was suffering a headache

What happened? Where am I? Who hit me in the head with a pan?

"Good he's awake unnie"


"Oppa it's us" Nayeon and Sana walked up to me, getting their faces and especially their lips, oh god their lips close to mine

"What did u do to me?!!?"

"Nothing oppa
All you need to know is that we love you and you are not going to avoid that, you are our property now,
Forget Jeongyeon, she's just a appetizer to you

But compared to us, we are a whole meal itself that satisfy...*Sana caresses your cock* your every need~~~"

To be honest, just hearing Sana say that and Nayeon licking her lips looking at me... kinda turned me on
No what am I thinking, I'm loyal to my bias and girlfriend Jeongyeon,

"Um I...I...I think I should go, my jagi is probably worried about me"
I stand up and start walking to the door until someone put a cloth over my mouth and I passed out once again, lastly hearing a "hisssss~~~~~"

Unknown amount of time pass
I started to wake up to the sound of slurping, and something was moving below the sheets on my bed that I was on

I lifted the covers and saw both Nayeon and Sana, sucking my dick, their mouths filled with spit and cum

"Good morning oppa~~~ don't mind us
We are just having fun playing with our new toy😏😈😏"

After maybe a few minutes after I woke up and just savored two beauties sucking my dick,

They decided to switch positions

Sana and Nayeon stood up, taking their clothes, revealing their holy bodies

Such curviness, how do these girls eat?
Well none of my business cuz I'm getting some pussy tonight!!!
I thought

Sana stood over me and positioned her pussy over my dick while Nayeon places her pussy over my face

The two went down at the same time
Flooding in feelings of extreme joy and satisfaction from Sana's tight pussy swallowing m dick, squeezing it until I thought it would break my dick

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