how we met

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One day Hayden was walking and he saw Annie  and he recingnized  her from a channel so he ask her if you can teach him gymnastics so the next day they met Annies gymnastics spot so she taught him a couple of warm ups. Then she taught him a couple of things like a like jumping into the pit and doing tricks and tricks in the air. The next day she was very tired of teaching him so she slept like a baby and then the next day she was just having walk and then Hayden just walked up to her she started to. blush. And then and then she she recognized him so talking about him and how good he was doing in gymnastics for his first try. And then the next day she was at school and she realize that he did was and her school so she I asked him what class he was in after his class went to lunch so she changed her lunch period too haydens lunch period so they could talk. The next day Hayden and Annie met up at annie's gym to practice gymnastics again.

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