Chapter 2

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           The week passed as usual, boring classes and annoying teachers

always nagging you. Thank God for Saturdays, waking up knowing that

you don't have to get ready and in my case watch Netflix the whole



            I walk down the stairs, seeing my mom home always makes me

happy. She works at Rose height Police Department as a detective,  so

I barely get to see her. Me and my mom are really close she knows

everything that is going on in my life.

  " morning darling",  she looks happier than ever I notice.

" Goodmorning mom. I thought you left for work already?"

"I took the day of so you and I could spend it together. "

" Sounds good. what are our plans for today then?"

" I was thinking about going to the mall?"

  " Ooh yes! I need new clothes for school."

" ok well you go get ready we leave in like an hour."

      *vibrating* *vibrating* * vibrating*

I jumped on my bed and answered the phone.

" Hey Jenny how did you sleep?" It was Austin

" Amazing, what about you?"

"Good, what are your plans for today?"

" I'm going to the mall with my mom, why?"

"Just wanted to see if you would like to go somewhere?like roadtrip?"

"Yeah let me just go check with my mom if it's fine, I will text you."

" Okay, just hurry up because I'm already here." I check through the

blinds of my window and see the jet black Porsche of his.

" Hey mom so Austin  is here and he wants to go roadtripping,  can I


"Sure we can go to the mall another time then. Do you have the credit

card I gave you?"

" Yeah, thanks mom love you."

"Hey you ready?"

"Yes,  where are we going?"

"I was thinking Santa Cruz?"

"Okay, I love the boardwalk."

"Jen what's up with you lately?  you seem upset."

" I thought high school would change my life,  but lately nothing has

happened that seems life changing." He looks at me as if he doesn't

understand what I'm trying to tell him.

"Jen it's only been a week since school started what exactly do you

to happen? I'm a junior and I haven't had anything life changing."

" I just want to find a guy. I know it sounds stupid but still."

"I've been in High school for two years and never had a girl, believe me

your time will come." He says it as if he is God and knows when this

will happen.

       For the rest of the car ride we talked about school, we sang to the

radio, and talked about how we see our future,  even though we have

already gone through this like a billion times. Austin was a blessing to

me. He understood me the way no other person can ever understand.

Especially since both of us were like really rich.

       Finally, we arrived and it was beautiful there like always,  sunny

and a warm breeze. The waves were big and slamming against each

other. Kids were running around on the sand, building castles. How i

wish I was a kid again.


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