Juvy Girl

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They say their there letting me out of here today witch is kind of ironic considering I just turned thirteen. Happy birthday too me I think, it doesn't matter all that matters now is finding Jude. I can't believe I left him with the horrible man! I was just so scared, he wouldn't stop kicking him! I shake my head I should have found another way, but I can't go back now. " Time to go Miss Jacob they are releasing you today. "    Something about the guards voice makes me look up from where I am sitting with my back to a corner and my knees tucked into my chest. Two guards are standing in my cell, there is one in the doorway but the one who was talking to me standing just a few feet away holding his hand out to me. I really don't want take his hand, but I know this is him trying to be nice and if I don't take his hand he will have to grab my arm. So I force myself to get up tentatively,  and take his hand. He looks at my reassuringly, I'm not so sure I remember what that feels like. "Sweetheart I'm really sorry about all of  this, I read the report what you said to the policeman at the scene, it wasn't your fault. You were just trying to protect your little brother."   " why are you telling me this? "   "I have a little girl at home not much older than you are and a baby boy. As he leads me through the door the other guard rolls his eyes at us. Something about this man  reminds me of Daddy, before the accident. "I'm Callie I just turned thirteen."  " Nice to meet you Callie, I'm Henry "  Henry leaves me in a room where an old lady stands waiting for me with a pile of clothes and a tiny orange envelope stacked on top. "Hello Miss Callie, I've got some new clothes for you  along with some of your personal things, isn't that nice?"   She says in a honey sweet voice that tells me she's probably somebody grandmother. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you sweetheart I heard there is a lady coming that there hoping to get her to foster you, so the goal is to make you look as innocent as possible. I can see your a smart girl you probably already knew that."  I nod forcing myself to smile at her because her honesty is refreshing. She holds out the outfit for me to see, a plan light pink T-shirt and faded blue skinny jeans. She turns around while I change and then puts my hair in two right braids reaching just below my shoulders.Then she guides me through the door with a hand on back she nods at the guards as we pass, they hesitate like they aren't sure what to do. She just smiles, "I got this one she's a good girl."  She walks with me to the yard that's fenced in where a lot of other kids are hanging around and leaves me sitting at a picnic table. I don't notice the girl coming up behind me until she's whispering in my ear. " Hey pigtails, I heard your getting outta here today. You think your better then the rest of us is that it? "   I jerk my head to the left starting to get up trying to away because l know where this is headed. Then her friend is behind me pulling me to my feet and pinning my arms behind me. While the girl starts landing punches, I count them trying to stay awake one two three four five then the one girl pushes me to the ground and they both start kicking me after what  feels like forever everything goes dark. I wake up to the the lights shining in my eyes, three people are staring down at me two of them I know. The guard who lead me out of my cell earlier, and the lady who helped me get ready.  "Do we know who did this to her?"   " It was a girl named Daphne , she's about three years older and a hundred pounds heavier, poor Callie didn't stand a chance. "   The Grandma answers Henry but then gets quite when she sees I'm awake. "Well hey there sweetie, how ya feel'in?"  " Awesome"   I say trying to produce what l hope is a cute smile. It's been awhile since I cared what an adult thought. "I told the boss man I'd stay with  you until your ride gets here, is that alright with you?"  In spite of myself  I smile. "Well ok then"  ha says with a laugh that seems to vibrate the whole room. After we are left alone he pulls out a notepad writes something down and hands it to me. "My number if you ever need anything or want to talk you call me."  Someone pops there head in, " The caseworker is here. "  The women who stands next to Bill has big brown eyes and curly hair she seems harmless enough. " Hey Callie" "Where's Jude?" " I found him a new placement after you were sent here. I promise it's safe the couple already adopted one little boy but they still wanted to foster. Callie I want you to meet Lena. Lena this is Callie. " "Hi Callie"   I can see her looking me over.  "Sweetheart who did this to you?" " some other girls they weren't happy I was getting out. " " Why were you here? "  I'm surprised she asks me not Bill. "My Foster father was beating my little brother I broke a vase trying to get him to stop." " we will take her. ".

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