I nodded understandingly, hearing the click of the door behind us. Tom hurried over to the bed and shut the binder. "You can't see those."

"I'm not going to ask you any questions. Don't worry about that." I replied, sitting on the foot of the bed. Tom stood in front of me, placing his hands on my knees before leaning in and kissing me gently on the lips.

"I'm happy to see you. Even though it's only been like, twelve hours. Hotels get lonely." He began to pull away, but I grabbed his tie and pulled him back in for another kiss. I felt him smile against my lips.

"I had to see this suit in person." I said once we pulled apart. "You look even sexier now that you're in front of me."

"Oh stop, I'm just a crazy old guy who is paranoid about aliens. I'm not sexy. Not anymore." He said jokingly, but with a little defeat on his face. He took a seat next to me on the edge of the bed before undoing another button.

"That might be what other people think. Not me. I think you are very handsome. So much so in fact, that I was thinking about that picture you sent me the entire time I was driving up here. How I just wanted to grab you by the tie and pull you down so I could kiss you..."

Tom stood up and scratched the back of his neck nervously, then turned to me and smirked. "Uh huh, so you just came here to sleep with me?"

"No, not particularly. But if we end up there I won't complain, daddy." I teased, walking past him to the cart of room service food behind him.

I felt his big hands snake around my waist and he pulled me against him before planting a soft kiss on my neck. "You won't complain if I do that? How can I resist you now that you've called me daddy?" He breathed onto my skin. I got the chills, my appetite suddenly disappearing. I had eaten on the way up, anyway...

I shook my head, suddenly feeling more turned on than I was when I had first arrived five minutes ago. He always had that effect on me. Just hearing his voice go from one tone to another was enough for me to get worked up. He knew that. Tom kissed my neck again, this time a little higher up. My eyes rolled back, my head following suit until it was resting against Tom's body. I felt him pull me in closer so his hips were against my ass. Tom planted a few more soft kisses on my neck until I took a step away from him.

"Too much? I'm sor-" Tom began but was cut off by me grabbing his black tie to lead him over to the bed.

I began to tug at the knot to undo it, but Tom insisted on slipping it over his head once I had pulled the knot down far enough. He tossed it aside before gently easing me to sit on the bed, then followed me down. I scooted backwards until my back was against the pillows, Tom straddling my legs on his knees. He began to undo the buttons on his white dress shirt eagerly until I stopped him.

"Let me have some fun here, geez." I smirked, swatting his hands away so I could undo the rest of the buttons for him. One by one they came undone, revealing the colorful futuristic city tattoo that was on his chest over his left nipple.

"You really wasted no time, did you?"

"I really didn't know you were going to be wearing such a nice suit, or send me a picture of you wearing it." I pushed the shirt down his arms and he helped me by shrugging it off completely.

"I just wanted you to tell me I looked handsome. But I'll take this instead." Tom replied, his chest now exposed. I gawked momentarily at the tattooed artwork that ran from his chest to his left wrist.

Until his lips crashed into mine a second later. He tasted like wine but it didn't bother me. I only cared about how deeply he was kissing me and how nice his muscular shoulders felt under my palms. Tom slipped a hand up my t-shirt and he began to massage my chest with his fingers. I groaned into the kiss before digging my nails into his skin slightly. We spent some time groping each other, which didn't help the fact that my want for him was growing by the second.

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