Chapter two

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Tessa stands under the shower, her head under water, thinking about all the appointments, she and Scott had the last days and the future. They had many appointments due to there book release and because they won the Olympics. Tessa soap her hair thinking about the last month. She won the Olympics, again. Scott, she shouts. Yes, he answers, holding is head at the door, listening what happens inside. Whats up?, he asks. What have you did today?, Tessa asks, finishing her shower and climbing off the walk-in shower. With a bathrobe and a towel over her hair she left the bathroom and crashes into Scott who is standing right in front of the door. My day was quite amazing, he answers sitting down on the bed. Have you seen my face cream?, Tessa asks searching on the desk. I think it is in the bathroom, Scott answers, while standing up and searching for the tube in the bathroom. Here it is, he says, smiling and winking with the tube. You are awesome, she says brush a kiss towards him I know, he answers sitting down while giggling. As Tessa reenters the room watching Scott giggling on the bed. She put on her sleeping clothes and sits next to Scott. I love this, she says. What?, he asks, grabbing the channel changer. I love sitting on the bed with you, making fun, talking about our days, giggling, watching television or Netflix. This all reminds me of our childhood Yeah, it was amazing, spending all the evenings and days with you. You were an amazing partner in crime She looks at him with scepticism. You know what I mean. We did many thinks we should not have done No Tessa smiles, she remembers the things she and Scott did during their training camps. They ate in their rooms, visited each other during the night, made night walks through forests. Even if our childhood was tough, we have many memories on which we can look back and say it was amazing spending the time with you

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