The Grace of Beginnings

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A Fletchling landed on her bed, hopping up to her unconscious body that was under the blankets. The Fletchling finally got to her head, and with a mighty hop and a bit of use of it's wings. 

"Chee che!" The bird pokemon tapped it's foot on the girl's head.

"Ugh Fletchling, why?" The girl groaned, turning her head sleepily. The Fletchling hopped off her head and simply stared at her and tilted its head. She groaned again as she curled into a ball deeper within her covers.

"Serena are you up? Some neighbor kids are outside to meet you!" The girl's mother shouted up to her, causing the girl to jump, accidently biting her tongue. A tear slipped out from her eye. 

Serena choked out an "ouh" as she sat up on her bed and poked her tongue out to see the damage. There was a small gash at the tip that leaked out blood. She slipped her tongue back in her mouth and stood up from her bed. The Fletchling followed her as it took a quick gaze at the floor from the bed before flapping down for a safe landing.

Serena let out a yawn which she muffled with her hand. She walked over to the computer her dad bought her for her sixteenth birthday a few weeks ago. Serena's father was a business man, and a gym leader on the side, who couldn't be around often, so he bought Serena a computer to stay in touch with her while he worked.

She started the computer up to see if her dad emailed her. Her father often works in the Kanto region, which has a different time zone than Kalos, so Serena gets her father's emails at unholy hours during the night while she is asleep.

"Serena honey, how are you? Good, I hope. How's Mom? I miss you both terribly. I recently started a new project having to do with a legendary pokemon! It's really an honor and I'm constantly worrying if it'll work or not. That's what's going on in my world, what about you? Mom says you're pretty excited about starting your Pokemon journey. That should be happening soon, right? You're not going to keep putting it off, are you? I understand studying before your journey is very important, but I think you're probably an expert by now! At any rate, I love you and I'm happy for you.

Good luck,


P.S. Tell Mom 'Hi', and 'I love you' for me, please!"

Serena stood up from her desk chair and shut her computer off. She figured she'd wait for her father's next email to talk to him since he's probably too busy to answer her if she replied now. She glaced back at her room, which was neat and tidy. Due to Serena's father being a well paid business man, he's able to afford slightly spoiling her by buying her newly marketed products and electronics, like her game system and TV.

Serena went over to her closet to change. She picked her favorite outfit, consisting of a black bubble collar sleeveless shirt, and high waisted red skirt. She grabbed her black thigh highs from inside her drawer, and her warm pink hat and sunglasses that sat on top of it. She took a double take in the mirror before slipping downstairs where her mother, Grace, was waiting for her in the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie," Grace said, not looking away from the dishes she was washing, "I made you some breakfast." She pointed to a plate that was on the island behind her. The meal was simple enough, a couple slices of toast and some eggs with a basil leaf inbetween for decoration. The eggs were slightly sprinkled with some pepper, and the toast generously buttered.

"Thanks mom," Serena chirped out as she grabbed a slice of toast and shoved it in her mouth. "Do you mind if I invite the neighbors in, I don't want them to be waiting outside for me while I'm eating."

"That's fine dear, I'll get another pot of coffee going for them."

Serena finished her slice as she walked over to the front door and opened it. Outside, a raven haired boy and pigtailed girl waited for her. They both smiled at Serena, the girl's smile was bigger and friendlier than the boy's though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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