14. The Last Philosopher

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The first chapter of this book was refreshingly light and certainly had some elements that were quite humorous. The name of the black hole really cracked me up, and it was one of the reasons I read the whole chapter. 

I also liked the personification of the black hole, and found it to be a rather good idea.

Nevertheless, there was one very obvious flaw with the first chapter- there was no sparkle. The first chapter should be action-packed, dramatic, and entertaining so as to draw readers in. This one seemed rather bland and overall, not very entertaining despite being funny. 

The reader should take a look at the first chapter and immediately see what makes the book special. For me, I just did not see that and was quite disappointed as when I had asked for what made the book special in the form, the writer confidently responded with "Everything", which led me to have very high expectations from the book.

I would advise the writer to look at books that are similar or ones known for great starts, and try again with the first chapter. It does not have to be a complete rewrite, it just has to have some more interesting elements and a more well-defined plot line thrown in. 

And please notify me when it is edited if you want me to review it once more and delete this one. 

Final Rating: 5/10

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