Day 89.5

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When Jooheon got there, his date was absolutely pretty. With a big pink sweater and tight black pants, he was the prettiest demon.

"Hi, baby."
Changkyun giggled cutely at the nickname, "Hi, Joohoney."
"I'm here to kidnap you."
"Damn, just wait a second, I'll get my bag."
"Well, technically you wouldn't need it if you were kidnapped," said Jooheon to the disappearing figure of Changkyun, "but it's fine with me," he finished when the boy returned.

They climbed into the car and Jooheon turned it on, quickly fastening his seatbelt.

../.-.. --- ...- ./-.-- --- ..-

"Your bag is Mary Poppins'. How many things do you have in there?"
"Whatever you don't have, Joohoney. Do I have to remind you that time you didn't even have toilet paper?"
"Don't tell me-"
"For you," Changkyun passed a toilet paper roll to his hyung with a playful smile.
"So, of course, you even put the ingredients for a pizza in there."
"I confide in your flour and cheese, but I have everything else."
"I-I didn't even tell you I wanted to make pizza with you."
"That... is a secret."
"You definitely heard from Minhyuk."
"He's gonna hear from me later."

And so, they both started making pizza really early, as they were both exponentially hungry and very afraid that the recipe could go wrong.

Partially, because neither had ever made pizza or even thought about it.
But actually, for the most part, it was because they were playing like children with the ingredients, painting the kitchen white.

After a couple of tries, they decided to cook what they had and hoped it would come out good.
Unfortunately, though, they were both completely white from the flour they had thrown.

"Come take a shower with me."
"I'm sorry?"
"Just joking, let's wash though," said the older, laughing it off.
"We can wash together, if you want."

Inside Jooheon's head a dozen of alarms started setting off. His head was gone, all he could see was a big ass writing: "DANGER, do not touch".

"Really?" was the only thing he could say.
And Changkyun just nodded innocently.
"I don't want to do anything, we can just wash each other's back."
Jooheon nodded happily. Wash but not touch. Or was it watch? Either way, he could be with Changkyun in such an intimate setting... his heart was happy.

So they both went in the only bathroom of the house and Jooheon started the water, that fell directly into the bath under the couple's anxious stares.
After a few minutes the tension faded, until they both had to strip.

"You first."
"Why me," asked Jooheon in a whine.
"You proposed it first, so you strip first."
"Let's do it together."
Changkyun sighed.

They took off one piece of clothing at a time, both extremely embarrassed and excited.
As they removed their pants, they turned around.

"Why do I feel like a girl?"
"Same," laughed Jooheon at Changkyun's remark.
"Why did you turn around?"
"Why did you?"
They giggled at their own behaviors.
"We jerked off together, and yet we can't show our penises to each other."
Changkyun released a high pitched laugh.
"Don't remind me that day! You're making it worse."
"Are you hard too?" Jooheon turned around with a relieved sigh.
Changkyun turned too, "I think I never imagined to hear someone so relieved at that statement."

Removed the last piece of clothing, they got inside the bath. They just stayed like that, Jooheon behind the younger, hugging him and making him laugh; Changkyun just leaning on his hyung, feeling comfortable in his arms.

Until they heard the unique 'ding' of the oven.
They quickly got dressed and went to check the pizzas. They were not actually that bad, and the two were really proud of their cooking abilities.

They sat on the couch and decided to put on some Netflix.

"What should we watch?"
"Stranger Things?"
"What about Breaking Bad?"

They soon began a war to watch their favorite shows.

"Will you show me some aegyo if I let you put Stranger Things on?"
Changkyun instantly went into aegyo mode and Jooheon just had to give up.

After an episode or two and two pizzas in their stomachs, they started feeling a bit tired, so they drank some coffee to stay awake.

"I'm so much better at making coffee."
"Why do you think I went to the cafeteria every day?"
"I thought it was for me."
"Well-Yeah, mostly."
Changkyun smiled. "I waited for you every morning, and when you weren't there I worried."
"Yeah, I mean, your looks stand out and you're really kind, so I've wanted to meet you since day one but I'm an antisocial potato."
"Wow, relatable."
"Then somebody texted me on Twitter and I was shocked, and also mildly terrified. So I came off as cold, probably."
"You used to leave me on read on a daily basis," said the older, smiling fondly, "but now you're the sweetest."
"Ah-Uhm, thank you...? But anyway..."

The younger raised his gaze and locked it with Jooheon's tender one.
"You know I love you, right?"
Changkyun's eyes widened a bit, then he smiled too, "I love you too."
"Does this make us boyfriends?"
"I think so, yeah."

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