Chapter 1: Joining central

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Your pov
I stood in the classroom with other students waiting to see who will be this classes overseer. Looking around the class I see the one who defeated eizan with a girl with blue hair and twin braids. 'Yukihira soma and Tadokoro megumi.' I thought to myself seeing the door open seeing it was the first seat tsukasa eishi. "Ahh we're being taught by the first seat." Students cheered feeling like it was an honor. The look in his eyes is saying that he is very timid. "Anyways I will need an assistant." He said seeing that soma raised his hand as soma went next to tsukasa. He said that we will make five French amuse bouche dishes. I see yukihara begin preparing ingredients at lighting speed while eishi began chopping. Seeing it like was two people with the same strengths coming as one. After all the prepping all five dishes were done in the span of twenty minutes. "Amazing." Several of the Students complimenting at the look of the five dishes in its full glory. "Now I want you all to make the same five dishes in the same span of time." Tsukasa said as his face turned a little pale. "Can we even make that in the same time." Said most of the students deadpanning at this task. 'Well I guess it's time to show my true wings.' I said as I rolled my sleeves up.

Tsukasa's pov
I watched as the students make the five dishes I made with yukihira. One of the students caught my attention with his way of handling ingredients and knife skills. I check the clock seeing that it's been ten minutes towards the mark and he is already has on the fourth dish of the five I walk towards him. "I see that you are quite skilled." I said. "Yeah but people use that as pity towards me." He said. "Tsukasa eishi yours." I said. "(Y/n) satoshi." He said as the class turned towards me and him. "(Y/N) SATOSHI!!!" Most of the students erupted catching the attention of Soma and Megumi. "Younger brother of the former seventh seat." Hearing several mutters from students. "I want to better than my brother." He said as he was finished with the fourth dish as he began to work on the last dish. "Why don't you join central." I whispered so that no one can hear he nodded. "After your done with the final dish I will send you too Director Azami tell him that I sent you." I said as he nodded and began to prepare ingredients for the final dish as I went back to the front of the classroom. 'Ahh that was hard.' I thought to my self sitting down looking at (y/n) as he began prepping ingredients.
Your pov
"Why don't you join central." Tsukasa whispered into my ear as I nodded he turned. "After your done with the final dish I will send you to Director Azami tell him that I sent you." Tsukasa said as I nodded and began to prep ingredients for the very last dish. I then began to make the last dishes began cutting some ingredients in small pieces then used a soft cheese as a base and began to mold it into a small shape and put it on a plate and began to put it all together. "There." I said wiping my forehead from any sweat as I began to bring the five plates to Tsukasa. "Ahh the first one done." He said as most of the students were shocked seeing me first one up as yukihira and megumi were surprised as well. "Well I shall taste them then." He said as I stood there before him. I see him take a bite from each of the dishes then placed a napkin over his lips and then looked at me. "(Y/n) satoshi." He said as the tension became so deep between us. "I'm impressed you passed." He said as I walked out of the classroom. 'Now time to meet this Nakari Azami.' I said to myself as I went to find the director of this academy.
'Uhh it felt like hours trying to find this guy.' I said to my self feeling like a lost guy in this huge culinary school. Even as as a second year I should know where this guys office is. Until I saw a red head with yellow  eyes just lounging around. "Umm." As I walk up to her as she looked up. "Hmm." She said. "I was wondering if you know where Director Azami or his office is." I asked as she looked at me. "Yeah I do and I haven't seen you around here are you a second year." She asked putting an arm around me being carefree. "Yeah (Y/n) Satoshi." I said as she gave me this cat like smile. "Satoshi name sounds familiar are you isshiki satoshi's brother." She said as I nodded. "Younger to be exact." I said as she letter go of me. "Rindou Kobayashi." She said. "Anyways Director Azami is in his office it's down the hall and it's the third door to your left." She said as I nodded and began walking towards Director Azami's office.
Rindou pov
I see (y/n)-kun walk toward Azami's office. 'So (y/n)-kun I wonder what you will do next.' I thought to my self seeing him turn the corner.
Your pov
I stood in front of the directors door and i felt so nervous about this meeting Nakiri Azami. I softly knocked on the door then heard a voice. "Come in." It said as I opened the door seeing Director sitting in his desk with several men in suits behind him like guards. "What is your business here." One of the guards barked. "I was wondering if I can join central." I said as the director looked into my eyes like they could implant fear into my eyes. "You want to join central." He said as I nodded as he smirked. "(Y/n) Satoshi is it." He said as I nodded. "What is it that you want to join central." He added. "I don't want to the shadow of my older brother and I want to have some recognition for my cooking." I said as he stood up and walked up in front of me. "Wonderful If you also want to become an elite ten we have three vacant seats but we are making it in to a battle royale tommorrow in Building #3." He said as I nodded. "You May leave." He added  as I bowed and left the room.
Azami pov
I see (y/n) leave as I sat back down in my seat. "Sir here is some information on (Y/n) Satoshi." One of my men had a document on (y/n) as I went through and smirked to myself. '(Y/n) Satoshi you are an interesting person.' I though to myself.

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