You were still holding Newt's hand as you guided him to your bedroom. Both of you ignored the feeling it gave your stomach.


As soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. Newt on the other hand, wasn't able to sleep at first. He tossed and turned for a bit. He eventually stopped when he was facing you. He looked at your sleeping form. So beautiful, so peaceful. He was sure in that moment that he still loved you. He reached over and kissed your forehead. "Goodnight, beautiful." He then rolled over to go to sleep. What he didn't realize, is that you had heard him and your heart was soaring. You smiled and scooted closer to Newt.

When you woke up in the morning, Newt's arm was loosely wrapped around your waist. You smiled and tucked your head under his neck. He smelled like pine and mint. You wished you could stay like this all the time. At that thought, you drifted back off to sleep in Newt's arms.

The next time you stirred awake, the bed was empty. Had Newt left or did he just get up to get ready for the day? The smell of coffee suddenly entered your senses. He made coffee. What a sweetheart. You decided you'd get up to go see what he was up to. You grabbed your (color) robe, and slipped on some fuzzy slippers.

When you walked into the living room that was connected to the kitchen, you saw Newt in his pajamas looking at your favorite poetry book.

"I see you've found one of my guilty pleasures." You smiled brightly at the curly haired man in front of you.

Newt looked up at you and returned the same bright smile. "Ah yes, I could tell it was your favorite book because of all the notes you wrote in the margins, so I just had to read it. It's lovely by the way. All of the poetry is so sensitive and pure. Your editions make the book even better."

You looked down at him and blushed. "I agree all of the poetry is just so beautiful. The author must have such a pretty mind to have written it."

Newt mutters under his breath and you almost couldn't hear it. Almost. "Not as beautiful as yours."

"I'm s-sorry but w-what was that?"

Newt blushed and nearly shouted, "Oh! It was nothing. There's coffee on the stove. I know you like coffee."

You giggled and thanked him. You then turned on your heels to go grab a cup.


Later on in the day, Newt decided to show you his case. You immediately fell in love with all of the creatures inside. Newt was in awe at how caring you were. He never thought he'd find someone who cared about his creatures like he did. Newt decided that he needed you in his life for the long run.

As you were playing with Pickett, a soft voice brought you out of your focus on the small green creature.

"Hey Y/n? Can I m-maybe t-tell you something?"

"Of course, Newt. No need to ask, love."

His heart fluttered at your words. Maybe he didn't have a reason to worry after all. "Well t-the reason I came to see you is because I needed to get something off o-of my chest. Y/n L/n, I am completely and utterly in love with you. I have b-been since you protected me from bullies in hogwarts. And since our weekly trips to hogsmeade and the astronomy tower. I just- youre so beautiful and amazing. I love the way you think and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I'm sorry if-"

At that you cut off Newt's rambling. You were shaking with excitement and anxiety. "Newt, I love you too."

"If you don't- wait what?"

"I said, I love you too. I have ever since we met. I have ever since you showed me your favorite place in the forbidden forest and since you taught me every there is to know about magical creatures. Newt, you're the most amazing person I know and I love you too. I never wanted to tell you because I didn't want you to reject me. I thought I wouldn't be good enough but now I don't have a single doubt in my mind that you're the one for me." You leaned closer to Newt and pulled him in for a kiss. At first it was slightly awkward, but then you both got the hang of it. You felt as if fire was spreading throughout your body, but in a good way. You pulled away. You and Newt were both smiling like giddy teenagers.

"Y/n, will you be mine?"

"Yes! I can't believe it." You nearly teared up. You felt the happiest you have been for the longest time. Your heart was soaring a million miles above the clouds. You both were staring into each other's eyes and you could almost see the magnificent future that lies before the two of you.

"Well you better believe it love because, I'm yours, in every way you'll have me."

Author's Note: wowie that was longer than expected. i hope you enjoyed it.

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