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Natasha Romanoff stared at the man across from her out from underneath her veil. She was glad that the veil hid the fact that she was blushing. This was the day that she'd waited forever for. She was getting married to the man of her dreams.

Steve Rogers almost smirked at his bride. Even under her veil, he could tell that she was nervous. He gently squeezed her hand. "Don't worry." He whispered quietly to her.

Natasha glanced up at him and smirked. "I won't." She told him, squeezing back.

"Do you, Steven Grant Rogers, take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest (ok it was actually Fury, who somehow had gotten a permit to marry people) asked.

"I do." He said, smiling at Natasha.

"And do you, Natasha Alianovna Romanoff, take Steven Rogers to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Fury eyed Natasha, as if warning her not to screw this up.

"I do." Natasha replied, smiling at Steve.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Fury had hardly finished speaking when Steve lifted Natasha's veil and kissed her passionately. Fury rolled his eye, but the gathered party, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson, Clint and Laura Barton (and kids), Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, and Bucky Barnes (newly fixed) clapped wildly. Steve and Natasha had kept the wedding small, not even telling many of the Avengers. They didn't know why they were being so secretive, but they did it all the same.

Steve finally broke away and grinned at Natasha. "How's it feel to be Mrs. Rogers?"

Natasha chuckled. "Much the same as being Miss Romanoff, just with more new adventures involved."

Steve smirked and took her arm as they walked back down the aisle. "Then let's go have some new adventures."
Thor carefully crept down the stairs until he reached the bottom. The guard on duty pointed his spear at Thor until he realized who it was.

"Apologies, your Highness." The guard said, bowing a little. "I didn't recognize you."

Thor shrugged. "It's fine. I've come to visit..."

He didn't have to finish though, as the guard knew exactly who he had come to see.

"Of course, your Highness. Be careful though. His tongue will weave a thousand lies."

Thor smiled. "Consider me warned."

Thor continued his trek until he found himself staring at the only furnished cell in the entire prison. Inside was a black haired young man all dressed in green.

"Hello, brother." Thor said quietly.

Loki looked up and smiled. "Hello, Thor. Finally decide to visit?"

Thor was taken aback. The last time he'd seen his brother, he'd been a psychopath, bent on ruling over earth, without any consideration for the people on it. But now, he could see his old brother in there, like he was before he'd found out his true heritage.

"Loki?" Thor pressed a hand on the forcefield separating them. "Are you truly back?"

Loki gave him a sad smile. "Yes, Thor. I'm truly back, though too late I'm afraid." He walked up to the glass, setting down the book he'd been reading, and pressing his hand against Thor's, with only the forcefield separating the two brothers.

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