
"Because I told you three times to pay attention. Did you notice after I gave you a warning spank you payed attention the rest of the class?" Luke asks, raising his eye brows as I put my things in my locker.

I grumble. "Yes." I admit, closing my locker.

Miles jogs down the hallway and sees us. "Hey Luke! Hows your first day so far?"

"Well, I spanked someone in class," he says making his way down the hall.

"Is that was the noise was? I heard it down the hall!" Miles asks, joining him and I do too.

I nod my head. "Yup, I'm never getting on Luke's bad side," I giggle. Miles rolls her eyes.

"Well Luke you cannot spank me!" She says smirking.

Luke holds up his hands in defeat. "I wont unless I have permission," he admits, pushing through the lunch room doors. Miles brought her lunch so she heads to the table and we head in line. "Luke...?" I whisper.

"Yeah?" He asks, leaning over.

"Would you really spank me?"

Luke nods and grabs a tray. "Yes...but like I said only if I'm not crossing boundaries."

I also grab a tray. "You wouldn't be," I admit.

"Then yes, I will." He says, getting out of the line, I am close behind and we sat down at the table and start converting.


"But I quit smoking about a year ago," Luke finishes, and finishes the rest of his milk too. When we told me he quit smoking a year ago, my heart sunk and so did my face. He notices. "Kingston, whats up?"

I start to stutter and look at Miles. Luke looks at us. "Girls. tell me whats going on?" Luke demands sternly. I look down and twiddle my thumbs. He places his cold finger under my chin and forces me to look at him. "Kingston I want you to explain to me right now what is going on." he says, staring into my eyes.

"I...I...I...I got some cigarettes from a guy in exchange for a make out session," I say, looking down ashamed.

I heard Luke sigh. Then he stood up and threw away his trash. I look at Miles. "Think I'm in trouble?"

"Probably...he might make you tell your Dad!"

Oh shit no! Oh shit noo! He better not!

Luke returns back to the table and sits down. "Text your Dad right now and ask him if it is okay for you to hang out at a park or go somewhere after school; I would like to have a conversation with you. Unless you would like to have it now, Kingston." He says, glaring into my eyes.

I stutter, shaking my hands with my phone. "After school, please."

"Alright," Luke says sighing.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask tearing up.

Luke wraps me in a hug. "No. No! No no honey noo! Hey hey look, save those tears for our conversation." He says kissing my forehead.

I giggle and get a message from my Tyler. He said Yes. "He said Yes..."

"Okay, is there any empty classrooms we can use?" Luke asks.

"Room 50B." Miles offers.

Luke looks at me. "Alright, meet me there at the last bell, okay?'

I shook my head. "Okay..."


Usually I am so happy for the bell to ring, because that means school is over..but not today. Since after school I'm probably getting my ass beaten by a hot guy and I was scared. I saw him spank Josh, so I knew what he could do. Funny thing is I wasn't even thinking about You Know Who or Logan. I felt safe around Luke. I cannot explain why. He just gives me a happy feeling.

The bell rings and I gather my books and make my way to my locker. I see Miles along the way. "Hey, it'll be okay, call me tonight..." she says patting my shoulder.

"Thanks girl." I reply making my way to my locker. I slowly began to put my books away and I look up and see the back of Luke walking toward the empty hallway. His ass is fucking TIGHT AND HOT! Then I come to the realization he might see mine!! I take my time, waiting for the halls to empty. I get to the room and knock on the door. Luke looks up through the tiny window and motions me to come in.

I slowly open the door with my head hanging low. "Hey sugar. Don't look so glum." He says, wrapping me in a quick hug.

I look up and sigh. "I know, I'm just scared...well not scared..you know what I mean," I ramble.

He chuckled. "I do know. Just remember I know exactly how a spanking feels. Sit down please." He points to an empty chair and I sit, looking down. "Please look at me while we're having a conversation," he asks.

I coutine to look down. He forced me to look at his blue eyes. "Kingston I asked you to look at me while I am speaking with you. And I expect you to do so." He tells me stern.

I nod my head. "I'm sorry Luke,"

"Thank you. Now you do why we are here correct? Why is that?"

"Because I..." I stopped talking ashamed of why.


"I traded cigarettes for a make out session."

"Correct. So, you can either get spanked from me the throw away the cigarettes, or you can tell Mr.Tyler himself."

I look up my eyes widened. "No! Luke please don't make me tell him! Please!" I beg.

Luke sits on a chair. "Alight, then come over." He says, patting his knees.

I sigh and make my way over, drapping myself over his knees. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Like I said, I felt safe around him. He quickly began the spanking with out warning, and I kick my legs, grunting.


After the first few spanks, he pulls down my jeans and began to spank for for a solid two minutes. Tears feel my eyes as I feel the heat rising up through my panties. I sniffle and I had stopped wiggling. His hand was hard and stung. I kind of feel bad for Josh now that I'm on the other end.

"Owe-ouch I'm so-sorry Luke!" I plead through falling tears. He countines the steady spanking, then he peals off my protection and starts on my bare ass. It wasn't completed healed from last night from Mr.Tyler. Luke noticed.

"When did you get your last spanking?" He asks through spanks.

"Ow-last-oww! Night!!" I answer through ows. Luke chuckles and shakes his head.

'You really are a trouble maker, Kingston,"

I ignore his comment and just grab his legs, the tears falling. After another three minuites, he ends the spanking with a sharp smack on my sit spots. I laid over his lap crying softly. He pulls up my bottoms and stands me up, pulling me into a hug, letting me cry.

After ten minuites, he kisses my forehead takes the pads of his thumbs and wipes my tears. "You're going to throw them away, right?"

"Yes-yes sir." I nod, hiccuping.

He smiles and takes my hand. "Alright lets get you home."



and yes my daughter is doing so much better then before! her eye is still infected but while she is resting, im able to update every now and then!! thank you so much everyone who kept my daughter in their thoughts ♥

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