that girl

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I am that girl no one likes.
I am that girl who goes too far.
I am that girl who looks for
recognition 24/7.
I am that girl you avoid in school.
I am the girl who has always wanted to cut her self but never had the
I am the irritating girl you hope
doesn't show up to school today.
I am the smart one who always has
the right awnser in class.
I am that girl everyone talks shit
I am that girl you just plain don't
I am that girl you tell just go kill
your self.
I am that girl who wants to comit
suicide but doesn't have the guts.
I am that girl who says i don't care
for haters but truly they are killing
me slowly.
I am that girl who wants to be like
I am that girl who truly only sees
flaws when she looks in the mirror.
I am that girl who is still learning to
try to be her own person not a
I am that girl who wants to be
excepted by everyone.
I am that wered girl in the conner
laughing my ass off with my
I am that loner chick working alone
in class.
I am that girl who starts crying out
of no were so next time you see me
alone please come say hi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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