To A New Adventure

Start from the beginning

It took a couple of tries, but the person on the other end finally picked up. Keith also found his way outside and sat in the grass behind Lance. He watched as his friend paced back and forth a little nervously.

"U-Uh, hey, Y/N!" He stuttered. "What's up?"

The Cuban boy nodded his head a couple of times and hummed answers while the girl must've been speaking. "Hey, so, I don't think I'll be able to make it to tonights game."

"—I know, I suck." He giggled and ran a hand through his hair. Keith snickered to himself, seeing as how the girl must've been mad at him.

"But that's why I'm calling...I was wondering if you'd also be interested in skipping the game?"

Lance tensed and started blabbering. "WoAH! No, no, no! Not what I meant!" He huffed. "My friends and I are heading to a cottage at a beach a little ways from here for the weekend, wanna come?"

"...I just thought since, well, everyone's gone from the don't have anyone—"

Silence fell and Lance lowered his head. Then it perked up again. "Wait, really?! You'll come?!"

"...Awesome! I'll pick you up tonight, ok? I'll text you when we're leaving!"

Lance turned with a wide smile on his face, finding Keith sitting there on the grass.

"How many? Uhhmm," Lance looked through the basement window and counted. "Five, plus me. So six. It'll be ok..."

"—I promise it'll be fun. Mkay, see you soon!" Lance hung up and plopped down on the grass beside Keith.

"That took some convincing," Keith muttered.

Lance sighed, but a smile spread across his face. "Yeah. She'll be ok once she sees how awesome everyone is."

"Who is she?" The dark haired boy asked. "And since when did you play soccer?"

"I've always played!" Lance snapped. "And she's from the Garrison, in the fighter pilot class. Super cool, but she's had a rough few years."

"What do you mean?" Keith asked. If anyone had had a rough few years, it was him.

Lance bit his lip. "She came to the Garrison against her families will. She told them she was heading to a different school, but they ended up finding out...and things didn't go over well. So, she's afraid to go home for the summer."

Keith felt a twinge of sympathy for this girl he'd never met. "Oh..." He picked at the grass. "Why's she so important to you?"

The words caught Lance off guard. "I don't know. She's one of those few people who doesn't hate me and doesn't care when I make mistakes. More importantly, she helps me pick up the pieces when I do mess up."

"Sounds like she's...nice?" Keith said awkwardly as he stood up. It wasn't that he was afraid of meeting Lance's friend, it was just he'd never been great around new people. The past year, he'd really been trying to put himself out there and make friends instead of pick fights. (Particularly because of Shiro's influence.) And, so, he did that. But, his friend group only extended to the five people he was going to be spending this weekend with. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, that number would make it to six. That was assuming he didn't do anything stupid to make this new girl terrified of him.

"Totally. Now, c'mon. Lets go help Allura pack." Lance skipped back into the basement and started hauling things upstairs, nearly skewering Hunk with some of the marshmallow sticks he waved around carelessly. Luckily for the group, there would be no need for tents or sleeping bags. The cottage supposedly had plenty of beds and was stocked full of blankets and pillows.

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