Chapter 1

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        It had been such a long and terrible day at work; so many people came into the bakery asking for things that we'd taken off the menu a month ago and wouldn't stop yelling at me for not bringing the cakes out and I am just sick people and the world right now! But I had to get over it. I needed to keep my attitude up and good so when I have to go pick Patrick up from the airport in a couple of days. he won't be met with a bitch. That would be the last thing I'd want.

        I imagined his face lighting up when he saw me standing there waiting for him and smiled. Patrick was my boyfriend. Whenever I think about him, my heart melts. He's just perfect in every way, even if he was touring with Fall Out Boy for most of the year. I was lucky because I had first met him at a Starbucks while him and Pete were just starting to work on their latest record. It was peaceful and gave him and I a lot of time to bond and grow our relationship before the wave of fame caught him again. What came as a huge shocker was when he'd asked me to go to the movies with him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I mean, Patrick Stump wanted to go out to the movies with me? I had been a fan for years of Fall Out Boy and never dreamed of having that happen so I just stood there, frozen from the neck down, shaking my head up and down rapidly. We went and saw the Avengers, not very romantic, but I'd told him a week before how I was stoked for it's premier and I guess he'd been listening. It made me fall even harder for him; he actually listens to what I say. The couple of guys I'd dated before meeting him never listened to me. Nobody did, so this was probably one of the sweetest things anybody had done for me before.

        December third two thousand eleven, best day of my life.

        And now I sit here parked in the driveway of our house, head lying against the steering wheel, starting to tear up from the longing I have for him. He's been gone for what seems like years even though I counted the days and knew it had only been half the year. He's my other half, and without him I've just felt like a hollowed out shell of myself. I miss you.. I felt a tear run down my cheek, hot and slick against my cold skin, and immediately wiped it away before it could fall onto my lap. No, keep you head up. Patrick's voice rang through my head and I immediately smiled. Two more days, that's it Christa.

        I grabbed the bags of groceries that filled the seat next to me and braced myself for the cold Chicago weather. I opened the car door and was hit by a wave of chilling air that made me shudder. I like the cold but god damn, the heater felt nice! I quickly shuffled my way up the slightly slippery driveway and finally reached the front door. Now I had a dilemma, my keys were in my pocket and I had two bags of groceries in either hand. Sure, I could put them down but then I'd have to lean down to get them and then I'd just get dizzy from coming up too fast... I decided on placing one of the bags in my other hand and the remaining one on my wrist. I dug around in my many pockets searching for at least five minutes for the keys when I finally found them in the last pocket. Of course.

        I made my way in and closed the door with my hip, making sure the lock clicked in before meandering to the kitchen; I didn't need Patrick to come home to a three hundred dollar air conditioning bill from me being stupid and not shutting the door all the way. I deposited the groceries into the pantry, fridge, freezer, and the counter while I made sure that I had gotten everything. I was planning a special lunch, because I knew it would be much simpler than a dinner and we would end up just cuddling and watching movies all night, for when he came back to celebrate our anniversary and didn't need to make any emergency runs for missing ingredients. I remember last year I'd planned on making a special dinner and we ended up just ordering Chinese food because I forgot just about everything that was a vital part of the dish. Lucky me, I didn't fuck up this time.

        I was hit by a wave of exhaustion after I'd put the last box of food into the pantry and yawned extremely loud. I'm happy Patrick wasn't here to see that.. I stripped off my jackets and ended up tossing them onto one of the two couches in the living room. I could only sigh as I thought about the last night before he'd left for tour; we watched the Walking Dead while I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. Enough thinking, get some sleep so you can get something done tomorrow. My mind seemed like a whole other person, but it was right. I made my way up the stairs and yawned once more, reminding me how energy consuming the day had been. I glanced over and looked into the mirror Patrick insisted on putting up at the top of the staircase and grimaced a bit. I look horrible. My hair was swept by the wind in all directions and looked just like a rat's nest. Wow. I quickly combed my fingers through my hair, trying to break up the knots that had been created, before ultimately throwing it back into a pony tail.

        I walked down the hall and stopped outside the door to our bedroom. I swear I heard something move inside, and I know it wasn't Penny because she was at the puppy clinic with a stomach virus. I quickly looked down at my feet where she'd normally be running around and frowned slightly when I didn't see her. Then I remembered the noise I'd heard and stood there waiting to see if another would emerge from behind the door. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the white door, I slowly turned the knob and took caution when opening it. What I saw made my eyes go wide and my mouth open to release a gasp.

Misunderstandings (Patrick Stump FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon