I'm your ***************

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Chiyo: Hhhmm *Smirk*

Chiyo: I'll answer that later

Shimon: rrrrrrrrr

Chiyo: Now now, we still have time, don't we? *Looks at Mayura* kukuku

Chiyo: What's the matter, curious beaste? Are you not satisfied with my answer? Okay! *Clap her hands* Curious beaste, I know very well you have a lot of questions, so why don't we start with you? Kukuku

Mayura: We?

Chiyo: Yes we kukuku

Chiyo: Follow me! Kukuku!

Mayura: Shimon.....

Shimon: Let's go!

They followed her, and she led them to place they never knew, seen or imagine to exist in a world such as Magano.

Mayura: Ahhhh....amazing!

Shimon: Don't let your guide down easily

Mayura: Ah yes!

They enter....

Chiyo: Sit down kukuku

Shimon and Mayura: Eh?

Chiyo: Doku Doku Desu ne Heyo

Their bodies sat down at once...

Shimon: How?

Chiyo: I can control anything that enters this place, now curious beaste? Kukuku

Mayura: W-why do I feel like I been here before?

Chiyo: Hhmmmm? It's true, you been here before but who knew you'll at least remember you been here? Well, you are that girl's....

Mayura: Wait, I been here before? How?

Shimon: ......

Chiyo: When was the first time you stepped inside Magano?

Mayura: 2 years ago

Chiyo: Lies! Kukuku

Mayura: Huh?

Chiyo: The first time you entered Magano was when you were four years old

Mayura: How?

Chiyo: Kegares pulled you inside Magano because of the amazing energy you had on a young age, on can have one type of energy " Yin or Yang" , but you had both. You met me here before when you were four and the weirdest part of it was that you never were scared of us like how other kids were! You entered Magano everyday and the question you will ask yourself will be, how did I get out? No one knows. Kegares are hard to talk to or even understand but you then would talk to them and they'll understand you. Yes! Kegares love eating humans. They, everyday would pull you to Magano to eat you but will end up listening to you without them even knowing why. Why they can't eat you? Time by time you met with me and other three basaras but when you went home Seigen smelled the smell of basaras and Magano in you so he casted a spell which makes you forget about us and hide your energy. But two years ago, the spell was broken because of THE TWIN STARS with your emotions but one thing that couldn't be broken was your memories about back then. Kukuku!

Shimon: Mayura!

Mayura: ....

Shimon: Mayura, listen to me..

Mayura: YES! I'm listening...

Chiyo: hehe!

Mayura: ..Chiyo ...You said everything about love includes you? But we aren't even in love

Chiyo: Oh really?

Shimon and Mayura: Yes!

Chiyo: Why lie to yourself? And Curious beaste I'm your *******************

Mayura: WHAT?!

Shimon: .....

Chiyo: Ah, prince of love you knew about this right?

Shimon: ....

Mayura: Shimon what deos she mean?

Shimon: I'll explain once we are back to our world

Chiyo: You knew that I can't hurt curious beaste but you really couldn't trust me, could you? You brought your tailmans kukuku

Chiyo: Curious beaste seens she serves you, you can't be loved like you wanted to be, that's your punishment of she serving you, you can only be loved by one person fully, only one person can give you full love. Open your eyes and look around and you'll find him! Kukuku

Mayura: What are you?

Chiyo: I'm Chiyo of love kukuku

Mayura: I asked what are you not who you are?

Chiyo: ..........

Thanks And bye! 

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