I head out to the backyard, knowing that’s where Louis went. “Lou? What’s wrong?” I asked as I opened the back door. He looked up, anger still clear in his features.

“Really?” is all he said before he jumped out of his chair, pacing the yard.

 “Louis, please just tell me what is wrong, please?” This time when he looked up he had one lonesome tear running down his cheek.

 “Can I ask you something Mia?” “Always, Lou.”

“What’s so wrong with the thought of being with me?”

 “What?” I was lost.

“Your dad never thought there was anything going on, Mia. He was kidding. But you jumped on the first chance at denying anything was happening between us.”

“Hey, I didn’t know he was kidding boo. I just assumed he thought there was something happening and I know better than to not let him know.” I reached for his hand but he quickly jerked it away. Hurt and confusion crossed my face. “Louis why are you so upset about this?”

 “I can’t tell you.” He murmured “Why?”

 “It’ll screw everything up,” I scoffed at that.

 “Like everything isn’t right now?” Louis glared at me.

“Not the time for that shit, Mia.”

“Lou, just tell me, I promise everything will be okay.”

 “Sit down then…” he trailed off, pointing to a patio chair. “Hear me out, okay?” I nodded “I don’t know where to start so I guess I’ll just say it. I like you Mia, more than just a friend,” I froze, but he didn’t notice “I don’t know when it started but I have for a while. When you told your dad nothing was going on I guess it just hit me that you don’t feel the same and probably never will. I got my hopes up, thinking that you did but I guess I was wrong.” Louis let a few more tears slip out. He looked at me, waiting for a response but I had nothing. I was completely speechless.

“See Mia, I told you this was going to mess everything up.” He shook his head. “You can’t even say anything? Nothing?” I shook my head.  “SEE, THIS IS WHY I DIDN’T WANT TO TELL YOU! Just answer me one question… What’s wrong with me Mia? I’ve always been there for you, through everything, yet you can’t even like me, not in the slightest? I just don’t get it. But I’m going to go home now, guess I’ll see you later then…” he turned and walked through the house.

I turned to stare at the sky and just let my emotions out. I sat there alone for about fifteen minutes before Harry made his way outside. As soon as he realized I was crying he hugged me and I continued to sob into his neck.

 “I messed up Haz. Big time” I choked out.

 “What happened babe?” He questioned. I could tell he was trying to hold back tears, hes one of those people who can’t watch others cry. I shook my head in response and continued to cry. Eventually we sat on the ground and my cries turned into deep breaths.

“Thank you Harry.”

 “You’re like my little sister, Mia, its no problem at all.” I smiled and took a deep breath before standing and helping Harry up. As we walked back inside Harry turned to me and asked

 “Are you okay?”

“ Yeah, I need to take a walk though, is that okay?”

 “Of course it is babygirl, just make sure you’re home before dinner, okay?” I nodded and slipped my vans back on. “I have my phone.” I called out, shutting the front door behind me. I knew exactly where to go.

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