Ahhh... Jeager!...

21 3 17

WolvesAreHellaCool tagged me. AGAIN. Because apparently she wants to know more about me. Sighhhhhhhhh

Say 10 things about mehself

1. I get extremely bored during summer. Like right now.

2. I like feeding my dog things. I guess you could say I like spoiling him.


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3. I don't normally take a bath if there's no event that I have to go to but if I have to go somewhere I take a bath.

4. I like to go out and explore, walk around mostly but I don't really go out because I have nothing to do.

5. I'm drinking milk right now. Grow big and strong though my growing days are almost at an end. *tears* Oh well.

6. I like to sit like a guy because sitting like a girl makes my legs cramp up and I hate that. And whenever the teacher says sit properly I roll my eyes like 'I sit how I want to sit teach!'

7. I've never been in a relationship. Still single. Probably forever but who knows.

8. I love to play with stray cats though my sister chastises me everytime she sees me do it saying that they're not clean. My logic is that everything's dirty since we're all made of bacteria.

9. I'm Chinese but the best part is that I suck at Chinese. I can understand and speak a few but that's that.

10. I rarely listen in class because most of the time I'm either daydreaming, reading, writing or sleeping.

Do I really have to tag 28 people? You know what I don't care. RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN!!


Spoilers well I only have one incomplete story so here goes. And the spoiler is that...

Asra will die.

Ha! Expected but no one said what kind of spoiler I should give out so bonappetit!

Tell a JOKE? Hm...

A: Knock Knock
B: Who's there?
A: Kiss my...
B: Kiss my who?
A: Kiss my whole ass sucker! Bye~!

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