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poppy🏵💝: im so excited!! we're going to look sooooooo good!
poppy🏵💝: should i post a photo now or wait until tonight and post everything at once
poppy🏵💝: my mom took a cute one when we were getting ready lol

novalyn❄: post one now!

poppy🏵💝: okokok tell me if i should wear the bulky necklace with the heart

poppy🏵💝: okokok tell me if i should wear the bulky necklace with the heart

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@poppybalinski: shoutout to mom for the photo ❤ @sawyer_demarco

novalyn❄: cute wow love my parents
novalyn❄: i think you look great right now
novalyn❄: why are you guys dressed up so early

poppy🏵💝: i've told you a hundred times we're going out for dinner first remember?? we literally asked you and you said no ???

novalyn❄: oh yeah
novalyn❄: you're at ikea for food right now?

poppy🏵💝: yep!

novalyn❄: classic

poppy🏵💝: we're gonna meet you at the venue at 7
poppy🏵💝: that work for you?

novalyn❄: yeah all good!

poppy🏵💝: are YOU ready yet?

novalyn❄: ha no i've been doing chores all day

poppy🏵💝: its almost 6 right now

novalyn❄: yeah i know don't worry i just have to put on the dress and some makeup
novalyn❄: it'll take me less than an hour

poppy🏵💝: i think i should come over

novalyn❄: dude im fine plus im still cleaning the house so unless you want to ditch meatballs and help mop the floors

poppy🏵💝: smh ok ill see you later then
poppy🏵💝: don't be late!

novalyn❄: yes mom :)


big bro💪: have you left for the formal yet?

lil sis👣: nope still cleaning. im leaving in an hour or so

big bro💪: wish i could be there to drop you off and take pictures

lil sis👣: its just a formal. you can take the day off when i go to winter homecoming

big bro💪: you're right
big bro💪: have fun and be careful. text me when you leave

lil sis👣: will do. you be careful too

big bro💪: love you

lil sis👣: love you toooooo


dad: hey nova. im sorry i can't be home to see you leave for your dance but ill be home when you get back and i hope we can talk if you're not too tired by then.
dad: hope you have fun.
dad: im sure you look beautiful.


tim: i know you hate me and i really deserve it but its been the shittiest day of my life and i need you

nova: wtf
nova: im really busy today tim

tim: ten minutes tops. and ill drive you home.

nova: i really can't especially not with you

tim: please lyn. im sorry for everything and i didn't mean to ruin you and theo

nova: why cant you just call one of your  twenty other girls?
nova: the redheads aren't available today?

tim: ok i deserve that and im sorry i was a dick
tim: i don't want any of them
tim: you're the only one
tim: you've always been the only one

nova: jesus
nova: when?

tim: asap?

nova: god tim

tim: i can come over to your place instead

nova: you're pushing it

tim: ill be there in five. you're the last house up the hill right

nova: right...

tim: thank you

nova: its gotta be quick


author's note.
any guesses??? updated in honour of the western side going back to school :)) good luck guys!

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