Part 1

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Just like every morning, FRIDAY, the AI would wake the child of Tony Stark; Oliver Stark. The young boy was unwillingly the son of the genius billionaire avenger, and after the events in 2016- their already distasteful relationship grew worse, hateful, even.

Oliver groaned as the oh-so familiar alarm bounced around his room.

"Five more minutes," he began to roll around in bed. He covered his face with his pillow and pulled the blanket over his face.

FRIDAY blared the alarm again, instead the noise rang out of the watch upon his wrist, causing Oliver to jump up out of bed and cover his watch with a hand to muffle the sound.

"I'm up! Hi, yes, I am up! Now please turn off that fucking alarm!"

"Language, Oliver."

"Sorry not sorry, FRIDAY!"

After FRIDAY's alarm turned off, he got dressed in some casual clothing after squeezing into his chest binder. Even though his biological dad wanted him to wear expensive clothing- Oliver preferred to stick with whatever cool clothes he could find at the thrift store.

"So what does Cap want, FRIDAY? Please don't tell me, he's going out on another mission! He just got back from one with Wanda!" Oliver sighed, as he flipped through social media on his watch.

"He's prepared your breakfast for today, and he is wishing you'd join him."

"FRIDAY, please tell my dad that I'll be out in ten minutes?"  he asked before he ventured into the restroom.

The bathroom wasn't that far of a walk since his bedroom was connected to the lavatory. He grabbed a warm face cloth and washed his face, a new bottle of testosterone had been left on the sink counter.

"Thanks, Wanda." he smiled to himself, he was just about out of dosages and she knew how much Oliver hated to go and purchase T by him.

"FRIDAY, could you text Wanda for me?"

"What would you like me to message, Ms. Maximoff?"

"Please tell her that I need help with the testosterone shot today!" he replied flipping through Instagram, that FRIDAY had pulled up on his bathroom mirror.

"She just replied saying 'I'll be there right away', would like me to unlock your bedroom door for her, Oliver?"

"Yes, please!" he replied as he started getting out his testosterone kit. Oliver heard a knock at his bedroom door.

"It's open!" he called.

Wanda smiled as she walked into his room that was just newly decorated, she made her way to the washroom as usual with a smile.

"You ready Oliver?" she asked with a calm voice."

She grabbed the needle Oliver had already filled from off the countertop and carefully tapped out the bubbles.

Oliver winced as she removed the needle from his stomach, "So, which bandage would you like?" she asked as she used her powers to grab two boxes of band-aids.

"Spider-man or cornflower blue?" she asked, "Wanda, I'm not a children but gimme Spider-man," he replied with a laugh. After that short conversation, Wanda handed him a bandage and went to go eat breakfast.

After brush teeth and doing the rest of his morning routine, he left his room and walked to the kitchen. Oliver found his dad, Nat, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Cap talking at the breakfast bar.

"There's our boy!" Nat smiled at Oliver.

"Morning!" he replied and sat down beside Steve at the breakfast bar.

"Morning, Kid!" Steve smiled placing a plate of food down in front of the young boy before putting an arm around his shoulders.

"This looks great, Steve!" Oliver laughed before looking over at his father who sat at the end of the table alone sipping on his coffee.

Tony had truly become very distant after the fight between himself and Steve, Oliver was on Steve side of the story which made the whole situation worse.

Steve took his arm off of Oliver's shoulder to grab a glass of water. "You know what today is right?" he asked taking a sip of his water, "No? I don't think so-" then it hit the boy like a truck.

"Fuck." he said under your breath, "Wait! What time is it? Am I going to be late, I can't be late on the first day of school!" Oliver started to freak out a bit. Steve placed a hand on his shoulder, "You aren't going to be late, now go grab your napsack." he smiled at the kid.

Oliver ate the last piece of his food and ran his room to find Nat packing his backpack.

"Thanks! " Oliver smiled at her before pulling her into a hug and opening his backpack to see what she had put inside.

She even packed him a lunch, even though Tony insisted on giving the boy money, though he still found a way to sneak a 50 into his backpack.

Giving Oliver money was the only way Tony knew how to show the boy he cared about it even after everything that had happened.

Oliver slipped the bag onto his back and waved goodbye to his weird family, giving Steve a hug. Happy Hogan was already parked outside waiting for the boy, Happy smiled when he saw Oliver come out of the front door of the building.

"Good morning, Oliver. You ready for school?" he smiled as they both got inside the car, "By the way your father has asked me to pick you up early, he's got another business meeting to deal with." he added.

"Okay! Sounds cool, what is the name of the school again?" Oliver asked as he pulled out his phone and texted one of your online friends, Miles.

"Midtown, School of Science and Technology. You are going to fit in perfectly!" Happy replied keeping his eyes on the road.

"Is it bad that I'm nervous, like wait if because I'm trans— they make fun of me or are scared of me!"

"Oliver, that is not going to happen, and if it does I or your father will protect you,"

"And, here we are! Have a good day at school, and if anything- and I mean anything happens. Please call me, Rogers, or your father, okay?" he asked, "Okay. See you later, Happy! Thanks again." the boy smiled getting out of the car and walking into the school.

Teenagers were all over the place, trying to get to their lockers and classrooms. Oliver made his way to the office before the bell was to ring.

"Hi, I'm new here. I-I was wondering if you could print out a copy of my schedule for me." Oliver asked one of the secretaries at the front desk.

"Yes, of course! What is your name, sweetie?" she forced a smile, she obviously disliked her job. He quickly scribbled down his name onto a sticky note and handed it to her.

"You're a Stark? As in Tony Stark?" she whispered to me, he nodded with an awkward smile. The lady got up and went to the back room where the printer was, after a little bit, she came back with two sheets.

"I go by Oliver Rogers, though."

"So this first sheet has your courses, locker number, locker combination and on the other is maps of the first and third floor. Got that?" she said with the same forced smile as before.

Oliver nodded and made his way back into the sea of teenagers and other stressed individuals, his locker was upstairs but Oliver's first class was downstairs so he tried to go as fast as possible without falling down.

When he got to locker, and figured out how the hell locker combos work, he started to place everything he had in his backpack into the locker.

"So I've got art first?" he mumbled to himself, he was walking around the halls looking for his first class when out of nowhere, he ran straight into a boy causing both of the kids to fall onto the floor.

"Ow! Shoot-" the boy with curly brown hair started to say before he saw that he'd bumped into a person and not just a set of lockers, "I'm sorry about that, I'm Peter by the way." he smiled.

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