Just shut the fuck up and listen to what I have to say

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So your alone , like always. You feel like there is a battle between you and your darkness. Your reason for smiling left you or hurt you. You don't understand the point of living well let me tell you I have been there and to be honest I am still there. I wake you everyday and look for a reason to smile or laugh or even to live and find nothing. So How do you win a battle they you are tired of fighting, or that you don't know if you see a point in winning? Because whatever happened to you or is happening to you, you need to be strong. No you don't need someone to live for. You don't need someone to save you. Because last time I checked you made it this far own. And you are probably saying but I had so and so the help me or they I am just so tired of fighting it hurts it hurts soo damn much I can't breathe. Guess what suck it up, stop it, stop feeling sorry for yourself when you know that no one is going to save you. But you are going to save your self. You are going to tell the damn darkness to go to hell or to kiss yo ass. I don't give a fuck which one but you are going to be strong and you are going to be amazing. Because you are a badass, how you ask, because you have something in your head that tells you that life isn't worth it and that you suck and that no one loves you and that you should just end it but you haven't and yes you want to you want to really bad but you haven't you have the strongest evil in your own head and you are still fighting even though you feel like you don't have a reason to. So now that you know you are a badass and that you can win are you still going to let that darkness defeat you? Are you going to be weak? Because now you have a reason.

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