infatuated (p.parker)

Start from the beginning

So she never had real friends. Sure she had "followers" but they never fought with her or stood up for themselves. They would just do whatever she said, and that annoyed the heck out of her.

They second part of her curse was that she was able to make others feel painful heartbreak at will. It seems silly, but people can die from a broken heart. y/n learned that she could cause actual burning pain to a person just by thinking about it.  This scared her. And made her feel alone. So, she decided to do something about it.

She convinced her parents to give her martial arts lessons, which then evolved into her training in archery and other types of weaponry. So she learned to fight, which helped her discipline her abilities. She may not have been able to stop the falling in love part, but at least she could control the heartbreak part.

So one day, when y/n used her powers and training to stop armed gunmen from robbing a bank, she realized that she could become a hero. Just like the Avengers.

So she created a disguise, a dark red armored suit with black boots. She had a black mask covering the upper part of her face (think Captain America) with matching gloves. Sheathed knives were strapped to her thighs, but she prayed she would never have to use them. She somehow managed to find a grappling hook at some shady weapons shop, and after many falls, she learned to master it.

She took care of the little crimes in her area; robberies, muggings, kidnappings. She was doing pretty well solo, and she quite liked the independence. All of this changed one night when she spotted purple blasts of light coming from Queens and decided to go check it out.

She was shocked to see a dark figure swinging around in the sky, firing something stringy from his wrists. Convinced it was the bad guy, y/n used her grappling hook to hook on whatever it was swinging on and yank it down. The figure dropped to the ground and groaned. y/n ran to it and tried to grab whatever it was when she heard a boy's voice say, "what the heck was that for? I was so close to webbing that guy."

The dim lamplight illuminated his red and blue spandex. It was the famous Spider-Man from YouTube. y/n was star struck as she stuttered "I'm Im so sorry. I thought you were the bad guy and..."

"Whatever," the spandex clad hero interrupted angrily, "if you are the good guy, then stay out of my way so I can finish this up."

Spider-Man swung away, leaving a crimson faced y/n behind. After a moment's hesitation she ran after him saying, "wait! I can help!"

She focused her thoughts on giving the villain enough pain to get him weakly hunched down on his knees, utterly defenseless. Then y/n grabbed the nylon cord wrapped around her wrist, and bound the criminal's own wrists with it. The man's gun was cast aside, no longer firing periwinkle rays of destruction.

As she stood there, beaming with pride over her work, she heard Spider-Man talking to someone.

"Karen, send a text to Happy saying the Vulture's guns are still in circulation."

Y/n spun around asking, "Who's Karen?"

"Karen is an artificial..wait never mind. We need to discuss what happened here. How did you manage to stop this guy so easily?" Spider-Man's eye-lenses narrowed as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh I have these...abilities. Kind of a long story." Y/n scratched the back of her neck, feeling shy at the mention of her powers.

Spider-Man's lenses turned to normal, and he took on a less aggressive stance. "Yeah, I get it. Crazy stuff happened to me too," he said softly.

A quiet moment passed.

Then, "Hey, if you want we can talk about it. I know it's not easy."

y/n thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Good. I have a place we can go if you want."

Spider-Man held out a spandex-clad hand, and y/n grabbed it with her gloved one. She was surprised when he pulled her to him.

"Hold on tight."

Next thing she knew, y/n was holding onto this masked hero for her life as bitter wind whipped her face and her stomach dropped to her shoes. She stayed silent, afraid that if her mouth opened, her guts would come spewing out.

She finally felt solid ground under her boots, but she still clutched onto the hero with her eyes closed tightly.

"You can open your eyes now."

She did and looked around her. She was on top of a skyscraper. Specks of light twinkled in the New York skyline and a biting breeze nipped at her face.


"Yeah it's pretty cool. You can let go now by the way." y/n blushed profusely and released her iron grip. Spider-Man sat on the roof's ledge, his feet dangling off the edge. y/n joined him, gripping onto the ledge nervously.

"So about your powers..."

"Oh yeah. Well it began when my mother was...," she began detailing her story, talking animatedly.

She finally finished her story and a long silence passed between them.

"I understand that powers can be difficult to manage. But being a hero is not easy. You need to be careful," Spider-Man advised.

Defiance flared inside y/n. "But I can manage myself. Besides, without me, you might not had been able to defeat the villain today. But we work well together."

"I guess."

"We can be partners! You know, in fighting crime."

"Okay. But you need to be really careful. And listen to me."

"Alright. Can you take me home now?"

Spider-Man stood up and stretched. "Sure, where do you live?"

Y/n thought for a second, and realized she did not want Spider-Man to see her house. She felt embarrassed by its unnecessary flamboyance and did not want him to think of her as some stupid rich kid.

"You know what? Just drop me off by where the battle was. I'll find my way home from there."


After one queasy ride, y/n finally felt the street underneath her boots again.

She let go of the hero, and they stood facing one another in the pale lamplight.

"So I'll see you soon I guess, partner."

"Yeah, I guess so."

She began walking away as realization struck her and she turned around.

"Wait! Don't you want to know my name?"

Spider-Man hesitated, then said, "I think it's safer if we keep our secret identities. I'll see you around... Aphrodite."

Y/n smirked at the nickname, which compared her to the infamous Greek goddess.

"See you."

She shot her grappling hook and began her journey home, all the way falling hard for Spider-Man; the only boy resistant to her curse.

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