Prologue: Extra Measures

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-UA High School; A Week After the Incident (Evening)-

All the teachers felt uneasy about the recent attack on the USJ. Not only was the reason because the students, first years no less were put in danger but because most couldn't help but think if the Villains have some sort of hidden agenda since their aim was to kill All Might. What had aroused their suspicion even more was the fact that they tried to take one of the students that had been under their care since she had been a child... Reina Nouki.

Most of the teachers were left concerned by this by this.

The Principal of UA, Principal Nezu had called on the teachers for a meeting just a week after the incident, and had also asked the person in charge of the investigation; the detective one by the name of Naomasa Tsukauchi. The detective stood in front of the teachers, explaining to the teachers and Principal of the situation.

"The police have investigated the group calling themselves 'The League of Villains', and there does not appear to be anyone registered as Shigaraki in his 20s or 30s with a Quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches." Naomasa explained, "It's the same with the Villain named Kurogiri with the Warp Gate. They're probably not citizens and are using false names. In other words they're people with unregistered Quirks who are part of society's underbelly."

"In other words we don't know anything about them..." A man, one with the name Sekijiro who had also been known as Vlad King.

"Not necessarily." Naomasa said, "When I was interviewing Reina-san, she mentioned that a man with the name Tadano Hitonari managed to defeat the Pro-Hero Caligraphine, by only using the devices or weapons he had carried." He soon took out the very same collar that was around Reina's neck the time of the incident that had been in a clear plastic bag labeled as evidence, "She also told me, he used this device to cancel out her Quirk when she fought with the creature named Nomu."

"What does that tell us exactly?" Hizashi, or Present Mic had asked.

The detective had replied, "I did some digging around, and last year there was several cases of Pro-Heroes and even those with potential of becoming a Hero had been either missing or found dead. Witnesses had said they only saw a man, who was armed with only weapons and a custom made collar. They couldn't describe his face since he always wore a gas mask. Rumors had also spreaded around the vicinity of where it had happened, that this man who committed these crimes... Doesn't posses a Quirk of his own."

The teacher and principals eyes widened at this newfound information as they looked to one another, exchanging various glances. Naomasa continued, "Reina-san witnessed the way he fought as well. He only used various skills that could be of military. He had every opportunity to use his Quirk against Caligraphine but he never did."

"In other words he was either confidant in his own physical abilities, technology and weapons, or he doesn't have a Quirk at all..." Another teacher, named Nemuri Kayama who had also been known as Midnight said, "... That is rather unsettling."

"In any case, once their ringleader, this Shigaraki's wounds heal, they'll definitely try again." A teacher named Snipe said, "It'll be a pain for us when that happens."

"Their ring leader..." All Might said looking concerned.

Principal Nezu had been quick to notice this from All Might, "Is there something the matter?" He asked.

All Might soon replied, "It's just that, the incident all together, is a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they had the thought. To have him suddenly go on wild on his statements. Although he didn't reveal his Quirk, he kept on bragging on about Nomu's... Not to mention, he looked at young Nouki, knowing full well who she was... When things didn't go the way he wanted it to, he was visibly upset, especially when young Nouki told him that she didn't know him, at least that's what I heard from a friend of hers that witnessed what happened."

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