Muqiu checked his avatar's inventory and found quite a bit of items, since he didn't need them at the moment the decided to store them away. At the same time he also discover that he had the title of guild leader. Every other person might be happy about such a position, but Muqiu wasn't every other person – for him this position was more of burden. The second in command was Chen Guo's Chasing Haze and she would probably be the real leader. In the tenth server Lord Grim was the guild leader, at least in name, with Chen Guo's avatar as second in command. Back then this arrangement was made to get more attention – Lord Grim was famous, so people wanted to be part of his guild, consequently he had to stay the guild leader. Nowadays only the first wave of guild members seemed to care about Lord Grim, which was unsurprising, since the rest either hadn't been around during Lord Grim's reign – during his tyranny – or hadn't really understood how amazing he was. Seven Filed and Sleeping Moon were core players of the guild and helped the new players to navigate around and explain various thing to them. Ye Xiu hoped that those two could do the same in the new server for the first few weeks or so – while mainly focusing on the tenth server. Club guilds had the man power to split their attention to different servers without being weak in one, but Happy wasn't a club guild. They were just a bunch of normal players and consequently they lacked manpower and structure. If Muqiu had thought about it a little bit more, he would definitely question Ye Xiu about this, since there was no real need for a player guild to exist in different servers and to put so much effort into this. However, Muqiu didn't think any further. For him it was clear that Ye Xiu had something planned, but he couldn't think of what this might be – maybe it was something related to Glory, maybe not and maybe it was related to his boss or maybe not. Chen Guo still seemed to be the only one, who was overly enthusiastic about all this.
With a click, Muqiu opened his friend list and saw that Walking Disaster and Pretty Little Psycho were both online. They hadn't reached level twenty yet, but they weren't too far away. Yifan had leveled up during the early morning hours of his shift, during the afternoon part of his shift it became harder and harder to get anything done, since more and more costumers had come. Therefore he had to stop playing at some point and Muqiu had only woken up in the late afternoon, so there was enough time for those two to catch up a little bit.


Pretty Little Psycho: Good afternoon! Where are you and One Inch Ash? Running dungeons without you two is kinda annoying.

Autumn Colors: Good afternoon. I am in front of Frost Forest and One Inch Ash is probably still in bed. He will be back at night, I guess. Hurry up and get to level twenty so we can take down the dungeon record for Frost Forest. Are you with Walking Disasters?

Pretty Little Psycho: Yup! We're together!

While typing down his reply, Muqiu received another message.

Walking Disaster: Good afternoon.

Autumn Colors: Good afternoon. I heard, you and Pretty Little Psycho are together running a dungeon.

Walking Disaster: That's right. However, without you and One Inch Ash, things are a bit harder. By the way, Red Jewel is with us as well.

Autumn Colors: Red Jewel?

Walking Disaster: Our fifth player yesterday.


Muqiu remembered their fifth member. A future Blade Master that was quite talkative – by far not as bad as Steamed Bun or Huang Shaotian, but still quite talkative. Since they hadn't sent each other a friend request, they couldn't see whether the other one was online.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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