Chapter 6

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Well, and this is why I shouldn't write long fics. It takes me forever to update, nothing much happens, the chapters are boring and maybe I should just simply give up on writing as a whole... because I suck...


Revenge? This was something Muqiu was not interested in. First of all, he had no reason to take revenge. Yes, the way thing had been handled by his former club were far from nice and they were probably even morally questionable, but it was understandable. Furthermore, he also was partly at fault for how things turned out. Secondly, taking down a guild needed a lot of time and resources. Muqiu neither had a lot of time nor any resources. A club and its guild were closely connected with each other. If the club did bad, so often did the guild. However, Excellent Era had suffered a lot the past few years, yet Excellent Dynasty was still a formidable enemy towards the three great guild, Blue Brook Guild, Tyrannical Ambitions and Herb Garden. If Excellent Dynasty was able to hold on against those three guild, how should Muqiu without a guild or a small guild like Happy do anything against Excellent Dynasty? It would take years for Happy to become as strong as one of the club guild and even longer to seriously cause damage to Excellent Dynasty – and this only when Excellent Dynasty did not get stronger and improved. Excellent Era had replaced him with another player – someone who was better than him in their eyes. Partly Muqiu hoped that they would improve again and fight their way back to the peak of Glory. If Excellent Era returned to their former strength, than it was very likely that Excellent Dynasty also grow stronger. There was no way for Muqiu to do anything against Excellent Dynasty besides being an annoying housefly. Taking revenge on Excellent Era directly was even more of a fantasy – for that Muqiu would need a team and then fight against his former team and win. But even then the harm would be minimal, since losing once or twice would not destroy a club.
Yet, Ye Xiu's little joke made Muqiu thinking. People took revenge when they had been wronged, when something had happened they couldn't accept, because it involved underhanded methods or because they thought the other side had used underhanded methods. Muqiu couldn't accept his departure from the professional scene. He may not be the youngest anymore, but he also wasn't old enough to leave. Moreover, Excellent Era had used questionable methods to get rid of him. The performance of the team dropped every year to the point that now they had to fear to be relegated. It wasn't Muqiu's fault alone. Glory wasn't a single player game. He had teammates, but those teammates didn't work with him. They ignored his order, looked down on him, ignored his advice and therewith committed the same mistakes over and over again. The team was completely out of sync. Only Mucheng worked together with him. But two people working together was not enough to win against a whole team. Neither the management nor the executive did anything against it. They turned a blind eye towards the other players and only focused on Muqiu. As the captain he had to take the blame! Over the years even the fans started to criticize him more and more and pushed the blame on to him. Who could blame them? He being the problem was even supported by the club and the fans were not good enough or didn't want to see, how the team worked against him. Not even a new captain could change such a dysfunctional team – at least not someone like this brat! If it were someone like Wang Jiexi, the current captain of team Tiny Herb, or Yu Wenzhou, the third captain of team Blue Rain and one of the four master tacticians, than there was hope, because they had experience in leading and knew the importance of teamwork. But that replacement of his was just a brat – even Zhou Zekai, who barely spoke a word, was a better captain than that brat. The sad truth.

Muqiu sighed and logged into the game. Building up their guild was now his new priority. Honestly it somewhat made him feel excited, because it reminded him of the time, when Excellent Dynasty had been created. Ye Xiu and Muqiu were one of the first members of the guild and had helped to build it up. The fame of One Autumn Leaf had led many players to Excellent Dynasty and with their teamwork Muqiu and Ye Xiu were able to get many dungeon records and wild bosses – of course it wasn't just them, but their strength was one of the main factors. Besides fighting power they also had great leading skills and tactical understanding. If Ye Xiu were part of the professional alliance than he would be one of the master tacticians for sure.
Another sighed followed this thought. Why was Ye Xiu still not a part of the alliance? On the other hand, if he were then there was a good chance that Tang Rou would have never started playing Glory and consequently the alliance would miss out a great talent – let's ignore the fact that Tang Rou had already refused several invitations from official clubs. Steamed Bun probably would also never be found – only thanks to Ye Xiu's guiding did Steamed Bun slowly show his true talent. And Yifan? Who knew what he would have done – well, Muqiu also didn't knew that Yifan's current plans were. Did the boy want to stay here in the internet café and play with Ye Xiu or did he want to get back into the professional scene? In case of the latter, how did he intend to do that? Gain attention inside the game and hope someone would pick him up?
Well, all of this had nothing to do with Muqiu. What had something to do with him, however, was the fact that his avatar had reached level twenty and was currently standing outside of Frost Forest – the first leveling area and dungeon outside of the beginner stage. Differently than the dungeons before, Frost Forest had an entry limit – it could only be run a certain amount of time a day. Therefore the leveling speed would decrease a lot. Besides dungeons, one could also do quests or kill monsters to level up. Quests were the second fastest way to gain experience after dungeons, while killing monsters was the slowest way.
With great difficulty Muqiu tried to remember when he had reach level twenty and went to the Frost Forest. However, he could not find such memories, which wasn't surprising. When he had went to bed, he actually had forgotten his account card – a bad habit of his – and Yifan had taken it to level it up together with One Inch Ash. After reaching level twenty guild Happy had been created and with some other guild members Yifan had taken down Frost Forest. The first clear for Frost Forest belong to Happy! And soon they would rule over the leaderboard as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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